---Micro, then perhaps you need better loudspeakers, with better controlled bass. :b
...And some fine-tuning with a top-notch digital Room EQ. ...Like one included with a quality sub, or two. ...Or from a separate box (TacT, Trinnov, Audyssey, JBL Synthesis, Real EQ, ...).
These are general findings that I associate with my room when using any full range box speakers - and they were more than half a dozen during the last five years, weighting between 100 and 300 lbs.
I always escaped from trouble rejecting them after some time and coming back to the gargantuan Sound Labs A1 Px's. They are very large full range dipoles about 2 square meter each, I could cancel the more disturbing room mode positioning them in a way their back wave cancelled the mode, and they did not have significant bass bellow 27Hz. But I feel the Sonus Faber Aida's deserve my efforts. They are such a great speaker that I really want to keep them. I already managed to control the bass using other amplifiers, such as the Devialet, but I think that the proper choice would be to correct the room before trying any other approach - otherwise FrantzM will not forgive it .