There are no batteries in this world that are better at low frequencies than good capacitors with low ESR. Nichicon Supertrough have almost no sound signature, which is why I recommend them. Unfortunately, Elna Slimic Alpha is no longer available with 10 times lower ESR. Then remove a battery from the accupack, then you have 10.5 volts max, then you save yourself the resistor.if the coil needs about 100mA and you want to drop about 2V that equates to about 0.2 watts. While a 2W resistor will certainly work, it does not need to be that big. Half watt is plenty big.
The output impedance of the power supply (internal resistance of the battery + resistance of the wires) plays a role in how it sounds and this resistor will increase it by a huge factor. To drop it from 12V down to 10V will take about a 20Ω resistor. Assuming the battery has an internal resistance of 0.1Ω (it varies) then you just increased it 200 times with your 20Ω resistor. Following that with a cap will decrease it again, but the cap also has a sonic character, and the Zout will still be higher than without. One way to reduce that factor is to use an active voltage regulator, but again that will (may?) sound different.
All that said, there is no way to predict how it will affect the sound and more importantly, which you would prefer. Like most things in this hobby, you will have to try it.
It is often ignored that batteries are not the perfect DC source that some assume as the they produce noise, have an output resistance that goes up as they age, and the voltage drops as they discharge.There are no batteries in this world that are better at low frequencies than good capacitors with low ESR. Nichicon Supertrough have almost no sound signature, which is why I recommend them.
Therefore battery and capacitor are the best of both worlds. We pimped up a Rotel 935ax amp with accu+ cap (without main voltage) and it sounds damn good, unfortunately the enjoyment didn't last long, after 1 hour it was over.It is often ignored that batteries are not the perfect DC source that some assume as the they produce noise, have an output resistance that goes up as they age, and the voltage drops as they discharge.
Look ESR here diffrent frequencyHowever, your claim that an electrolytic cap has "almost no sound signature" is highly debatable, and at this level, even "almost" can be significant. Curious what the ESR is as I can't find it? How much lower than a high quality battery?
+1There is no perfect solution for everyone, just various possibilities that all affect the sound in different ways that the listener must sort through.
Grazie a tutti, al momento la soluzione che sto usando sono le batterie da 12 volt 7 ampere. Per intenderci, quelle che si trovano nelle centraline d'allarme. Sto aspettando l'alimentatore a valvole (Darius mi dice che è la soluzione migliore) e mentre il tecnico si prende il suo tempo per completarlo, ho pensato di provare qualche altro tipo di batteria. Ho provato degli alimentatori Hdplex con uscita variabile ma la soluzione a batteria si è rivelata più piacevole soprattutto sui rumori di fondo, tanto che al momento le altre mie testine sono tutte in letargo perché mi godo di più la Dava. Le altre testine non sono certo le ultime arrivate, MSL Signature Platinum, Air tight supreme, Ortofon A95 e EMT 6 Platinum, oltre alle testine di alcuni amici come Etsuro Bordeaux e gold passate sul mio tavolo, tutte queste testine non sono piacevoli alle mie orecchie come la Dava. Non dico che ognuna di queste testine nei suoi punti di forza non sia superiore alla Dava ma quest'ultima nell'equilibrio generale e nella magia che si è creata con questa combinazione mi collega più profondamente all'evento sonoro. La mia Dava (regalo di Nick) ha il corpo della fc1a e il motore della reference e approfittando dell'attesa che il mio tecnico mi costringe a fare l'alimentazione delle valvole (il suo motto è una vite al giorno toglie l'ansia) approfitterò dei vostri consigli per provare queste soluzioni. Quella che mi affascina di più è l'uso di un potenziometro ad alta potenza in modo da poter impostare la corrente a 11/11,5 volt quando ascolto solisti o voci e spostare la corrente a 12 volt quando ascolto una grande orchestra o rock. Quindi vi chiedo consiglio sui potenziometri più adatti e quelli che influenzano meno la timbrica... Vorrei usare qualcosa come quelli usati dalla mia allnic 10000
An easier solution might be to get separate cells and have them wired in a way where you could switch additional ones into the serialed chain. They are 1.2V, so you could have steps at 12V, 10.8V, and 9.6V (not sure you’d really want to go lower especially considering how little signal output the cart has even at 12V)
Really tube,I would understand if you have old field coil drivers, e.g. Klangfilm, Telefunken, which need 80-220vdc but a maximum of 12 volts? I would use a variable transformer, then rectification (diodes) and good filter capacitors, that's it. Then you are flexible with the voltageI agree with the above approach of switching in cells to step the voltage per your taste. Not as elegant as a variable supply but there are a lot of problems with batteries noted and uncertainties of the varying load and connections. My advice just enjoy it as it is - if you wish to pursue the battery more thoroughly after the tube supply is constructed you can build a switching arrangement to step through 10, 11 and 12 volts (for example )it may not be worth the bother.
To my ear there are pluses and minuses to each approach of SS, Tube and battery they are all different. In the end I chose which was acceptable AND the most convenient: tube supply.
I am glad that Massimo is enjoying the DaVa ,I just had to gift it to him for all his kindness this past fall in Sicily!
My new DaVA Soul is on order from Darius and will arrive sometime in the spring.
Works fineDarius says the current draw can rise up to 130mA as coil heats up and increases in impedance
new DaVa 100R rises to about 110R
older DaVa were 90R
Hi my friend, I miss the afternoons spent enjoying good music together and commenting on the results of our tests. I would be happy to let you hear the results of the latest changes in my setup and how your Dava is performing stratospherically today. I am so happy with how the setup is now that they brought me some top zenzati and acrolink cables that I stayed for a week to look at them and not to try them for fear that the magic would vanish. Some of my fellow audiophiles have already contacted or are about to contact Darius to get a Dava too. Darius should give you a discount on your new purchase for having made a fantastic product like this known in Italy where practically no one knew about this cartridge.I agree with the above approach of switching in cells to step the voltage per your taste. Not as elegant as a variable supply but there are a lot of problems with batteries noted and uncertainties of the varying load and connections. My advice just enjoy it as it is - if you wish to pursue the battery more thoroughly after the tube supply is constructed you can build a switching arrangement to step through 10, 11 and 12 volts (for example )it may not be worth the bother.
To my ear there are pluses and minuses to each approach of SS, Tube and battery they are all different. In the end I chose which was acceptable AND the most convenient: tube supply.
I am glad that Massimo is enjoying the DaVa ,I just had to gift it to him for all his kindness this past fall in Sicily!
My new DaVA Soul is on order from Darius and will arrive sometime in the spring.
This cart is relatively a newcomer. Since 2020, you see the start of this thread.where practically no one knew about this cartridge.
@DasguteOhrReally tube,I would understand if you have old field coil drivers, e.g. Klangfilm, Telefunken, which need 80-220vdc but a maximum of 12 volts? I would use a variable transformer, then rectification (diodes) and good filter capacitors, that's it. Then you are flexible with the voltage
I had been using the original DaVa with with the FR64s and FR66s both updated by Rick Mak of Analog Magik - he's a founding member of our local which arm will you mount the Soul?
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