DCS threatening Goldensound..What an industry this is

Thanks for the update...Well good on them for fessing up and doing the right thing with an apology..I still think after the mass exodus (or whatever it was) of employees a couple of years ago and now this makes it a company I personally wouldn't patronize at their prices. I do however applaud them for doing the right thing though, and that makes me more inclined to think they are honorable. Most of us on this thread with common sense knew this wasn't handled correctly (with the exception of @gleeds who didn't want is discussed here ) and had a healthy and responsible discussion about it. Hopefully all this open dialogue is what prompted them to look deeper at the issue and come to this conclusion.

Goldensound is a great reviewer, he does get technical which is likely what all this is predicated on. I highly recommend listening to his reviews though as I am sure it takes alot of hard work to assemble them, he does a great job.
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It is obvious that dCA America mess it up and there is completely lack of communications between dCS America and dCS UK. Shouldn’t be always company HQ handle all these legal stuff? Why did dCS America send a threatening letter to a UK based reviewer? It is completely beyond me.
I'm going to say it - high level people need to be fired over both the initial handling of this and the current handling of this.
If you read that link in detail it mentioned a change of employment status for a now ex dCS employee.
I am really pleased that this has been cleared up and that DCS is doing the right thing.

I found it hard to believe that a reputable company would act in the described manner. Also hard to believe that a senior employee would act in such a way on his own volition.
This is the right way to apologize and move forward.
Congratulations Cameron on the capitulation by dCS as well as acquiring a dCS Lina, increasing your like/follows and successfully leveraging your situation to have your nemesis John G fired. The community is very proud of your victory. I look forward to the collaboration with dCS and the eventual “Goldensound” version of the Bartók.
Great that there was a resolution, this is the reason we publicly and openly discuss about censorship.
Companies will do it right, if they know that they can't bully without consequences..
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I look forward to the collaboration with dCS and the eventual “Goldensound” version of the Bartók.
If Cameron is affiliated with/co designing/officially endorsing in a commercial manner, another manufacturers product (Ferum) (which also happens to be the same category as dCS) then he no longer belongs doing “independent” reviews.

That is a blatant conflict of interest.

Darko posted on his website that reviewers on his site are not allowed to be working/consulting for other manufacturers
Looks like WBF had a very positive impact in resolving this issue in a good faith manner. Pats on the back to everyone that helped.

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