DCS threatening Goldensound..What an industry this is

I think his name is Cameron. I sent him an e-mail to become acquainted.
He's a 26 year old chap from the "English Riviera", as Bournemouth was called decades ago. Graduated in Economics (me too) and done a range of jobs since he was about 4.

His reviews are great, done over a long time and balance measurements with subjective opinion. Crowdfunded the purchase of an AP555 analyser. He speaks the King's English. If he has an ego, it's not on display. He gets loaned some items, when he wants to review something he buys it and sells it on afterwards.

I bought my DAC based on his review.
As is always the case there are two sides here. Having watched the videos and read the DCS response several factors present themselves. 1) Goldensound made verbal and written statements about the Bartok which DCS claims are factually incorrect. These statements implied that DCS intended to deceive their customers which, of course, if your DCS would be highly triggering. 2) DCS says they provided Goldensound with a specific list of inaccuracies for him to retract. 3)DCS formally asked for the statements to be retracted and offered a meeting to discuss the situation. 4)Despite the offer no meeting took place at that time. 4)Representatives of DCS sent inappropriate threatening communications to Goldensound after they were unable to meet and iron things out with them. 5) In November of 2023 DCS apologized for the inappropriate communications. 6) An aggressive lawyer got involved which made everything much worse. 7) DCS is still willing to meet. This is not about censorship. This case is a microcosm of what we all go through now. Instead of talking with each other right up front and discussing the details of the disagreement they end up years later threatening a holy war and demonizing each other. How easy it would been to take the list of 'inaccuracies" to a meeting with DCS and go over it with them? No one here (me included) knows all the facts and yet we have people wanting to cancel DCS. My guess is that the responsibility for this mess lies on the shoulders of everyone involved in it and that there is no good/bad guy. There are just a bunch of people ,apparently with very average communication skills and little training in conflict resolution, banging into each other and causing chaos. Sound familiar?
I could not agree more, and I do not believe WBF is the place for such matters to be aired. It is far too easy to miss something and jump to a conclusion. DCS DACs have never been my thing since I replaced a stack of constantly misbehaving four Vivaldi pieces for a client with one of Andreas Koch's brilliant MPD-5 players.

That said, DCS has been respected in the business for decades and is no fly-by-night garage shop operation. As the man said, someone got an attorney involved, and therein the source of many problems with our overly litigious society. One only needs to live in the here and now to see that rhetoric, no matter the source, is a huge problem in our intensely connected social media world.

Let's get back to debating if vinyl is better than digital! Only kidding:)
I could not agree more, and I do not believe WBF is the place for such matters to be aired. It is far too easy to miss something and jump to a conclusion. DCS DACs have never been my thing since I replaced a stack of constantly misbehaving four Vivaldi pieces for a client with one of Andreas Koch's brilliant MPD-5 players.

That said, DCS has been respected in the business for decades and is no fly-by-night garage shop operation. As the man said, someone got an attorney involved, and therein the source of many problems with our overly litigious society. One only needs to live in the here and now to see that rhetoric, no matter the source, is a huge problem in our intensely connected social media world.

Let's get back to debating if vinyl is better than digital! Only kidding:)

Hi - I respect your opinion. I really do.

I hope you'll respect mine when I respectfully disagree with you and believe audio company behavior is absolutely fair game to be discussed on an audio forum.

dCS CHOSE to take this path, to hire an attorney, to send nasty unprofessional emails, and if the latest update by headphone.com is to be believed (I don't know if it is true or not) chose to lie and make it worse.

This is exactly the behavior by an audio company audio peeps should be discussing along with other audio topics.

Again - not meant in an argumentative way.
Hi - I respect your opinion. I really do.

I hope you'll respect mine when I respectfully disagree with you and believe audio company behavior is absolutely fair game to be discussed on an audio forum.

dCS CHOSE to take this path, to hire an attorney, to send nasty unprofessional emails, and if the latest update by headphone.com is to be believed (I don't know if it is true or not) chose to lie and make it worse.

This is exactly the behavior by an audio company audio peeps should be discussing along with other audio topics.

Again - not meant in an argumentative way.
I totally respect your POV Syanaxis. Onward!
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I could not agree more, and I do not believe WBF is the place for such matters to be aired. It is far too easy to miss something and jump to a conclusion. DCS DACs have never been my thing since I replaced a stack of constantly misbehaving four Vivaldi pieces for a client with one of Andreas Koch's brilliant MPD-5 players.

That said, DCS has been respected in the business for decades and is no fly-by-night garage shop operation. As the man said, someone got an attorney involved, and therein the source of many problems with our overly litigious society. One only needs to live in the here and now to see that rhetoric, no matter the source, is a huge problem in our intensely connected social media world.

Let's get back to debating if vinyl is better than digital! Only kidding:)

Coming from a sponsor of WBF and a dealer and someone who loves to network with all the major manufacturers at shows I am going to rate this opinion very low on the scale of voices that matter. All due respect, I think you're a nice guy. But I've been listening to gear longer than you have been a dealer, I know this industry too.

You sell audio equipment, go do that. We're discussing a controversy, and quite honestly it's ok for you to pick a side- I doubt it will impact your sales. No one is questioning DCS status in the industry as respectable, we're questioning this one decision to go after a reviewer for a review. Unfortunately it's not all sunshine and rainbows in this industry, it's all tied to money which goes without saying is the root of all controversy. Likely you understand there is an unfair ugly side to the industry you operate in.

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