DCS threatening Goldensound..What an industry this is

Hi Lee - not sure what the point of your post is.

I've based my comment on 30+ years in the corporate world - much of it dealing with C-level execs. In my personal experience no capable C-level exec would allow this to spiral the way it has into the train wreck it has become by mere accident (incompetence - maybe).

Hence IMO - having let it get to this point he's only sorry it went public. Or, he's a completely out of touch CEO who has no clue what his business - on a major issue and decision to go nuclear - is doing around him.

I stand by my opinion of the situation that could equally be right or wrong in my read of it.
As others have said, we will never know. However, this is a very small company and (in my experience) oddball employees usually act out in small ways before acting out in big ways. If you don't correct the small situations, you end up with a mess. And this is a mess.

It is hard to imagine, however, that a lawyer was involved. What competent lawyer would suggest this action? That would leave either the dopey guy who threatened the reviewer as a solo flyer or the CEO knew and didn't stop the bluff because he wasn't concerned (for me, hard to believe).

Seems they didn't pay the reviewer's legal fees but gave him a piece of gear instead. That doesn't look very good either.
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I just watched the Bartok review. Cameron says many times variously the DAC sounds smooth and soft and overly smooth.

Cameron is giving his subjective sonic impression of the DAC. I don't know what dCS is exercised about.

(I am surprised anybody would accuse a dCS product of being overly smooth.)
I found dCS, much like Esoteric, to be overly bright sounding.

At any rate, sounds like dCS is being handed their hat...just saying.
They will undoubtedly ask WBF to take down this thread.

I am not aware that dCS contacted anyone at WBF about this matter -- to their credit. dCS did not contact me.
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Synaxis, DCS has 40 employees and has revenue of 8 million dollars. This is a tiny company and referring to “c level” in this context is a stretch. I was a CEO of a company with over 1000 employees and 150 million in revenue and I can tell you from experience that with a company that small anything is possible. No one here can say with any confidence what actually happened. I can definitely say it’s possible to blindside a CEO
Synaxis, DCS has 40 employees and has revenue of 8 million dollars. This is a tiny company and referring to “c level” in this context is a stretch. I was a CEO of a company with over 1000 employees and 150 million in revenue and I can tell you from experience that with a company that small anything is possible. No one here can say with any confidence what actually happened. I can definitely say it’s possible to blindside a CEO
Surely not dCS has only 8 million dollars revenue with 40 employees. With these money, it was not enough to pay the salary, materials and R&D.
That’s what is listed in publicly available sources. Leaving aside Japanese conglomerates and some of the multi company consortiums all of the companies we talk about here are VERY small businesses run by enthusiastic entrepreneurs not C level business guys/gals.

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