That's not quite true. I've posted very positive comments for videos I liked, like this one for example:
It has a very fast, domesticated bass section, that's what I prefer and what I'm after. The bass could be more colourfull in this example, but it goes in the right direction. It seems that this speaker system is powered by transistor amps, but I've auditioned this same stiff bass with tube amplification, that sounded much more superb.
I like the bass of Shindo Latour speaker very much, even that is fast, vibrant, full of energy and full of colours of tone, and the speaker sounds very much homogenic like the old Western Electric speaker designs.
But a bloated bass, which isn't domesticated and out of proportion, reaching into the midrange and covers up details in this most important section of the music is just not my cup of tea. And that's what is audible to me in your videos of this artificial sounding horn system. Sorry for my rant against it, but in real life music, there is no such thing like a much bloated bass existing in music. It may be for the taste of some audiophiles, but it has nothing to do with reality.