If you want to reproduce 16Hz pedal tones you need great low-end capability.I think a single driver can sound the best for simple music without frequency extremes but it falls apart on large scale classical. A large 4-way may be good for the same classical but it's much harder to get that big speaker to sound great on simple music, and ime it'll never be as good as something like a Feastex or AER in a simple BR cabinet driven by a small SET amp.
Then there's rock music, Led Zeppelin probably sounds best on something closer to a PA speaker with paper drivers and a big PP tube amp, it's hard to listen to at high volumes on many hifi systems.
Then there's intimate jazz, you really need a horn/set for that.
And electronica, you want something with great low-end capability.
Before I ever knew about electronia I wanted the bass to be right because I played in an orchestra for 20 years.
Some of the Led Zepplin stuff is really poorly recorded and doesn't sound right on anything.
Something like a 'full range' driver will work great with any genre as long as it doesn't have frequency extremes or a great deal of complexity. Its not a genre thing so much as its simply a limitation thing.
The classic example is supposed to be the JBL L-100 being good for rock, but IME that speaker does any genre about as well. I'm not saying its all that great for rock; the speakers I have now do it better (Classic Audio Loudspeakers T-3 with field coils) and they do really well with electronica, jazz and classical as well. Not so much Zepplin; depends on which album...
This isn't a tube/solid state thing BTW. As best I can make out it seems to have more to do with what kind of music and the range of recordings to which one has been exposed. There are excellent recordings of every genre and those that stink in every genre. The better your system is, the better those good recordings sound (and the even better systems don't editorialize; they stay unperturbed, when the recording sucks). IOW we're really talking about how well a system can manage a recording and not anything else.