Doctor's Orders-Part Two-The New Listening Room Of Steve Williams

I enjoyed the pix...nice to see some faces attached to forum names. You know how much I like your speakers Steve. Great color too. ;)

Stillpoint's on the Lamm's ? You owe it to yourself to demo. They made a significant difference in clarity/transparency of the entire frequency range for my amps. I use them on top of the amp stands and use only 3 in a tripoint configuration.

I spoke to Bruce at THE Show about that very thing. He recommended Ultra 5's under the amps and Ultras under the PS (although with the 4 transformers on each PS I almost wonder if Ultra 5's would be superior)
I spoke to Bruce at THE Show about that very thing. He recommended Ultra 5's under the amps and Ultras under the PS (although with the 4 transformers on each PS I almost wonder if Ultra 5's would be superior)

Since your transformer boxes are exposed, in addition to the stillpoint's under the components, it may be worth your listening enjoyment while to put LP1's on top of the power transformers. I do that for my exposed phono stage ps trannies and it makes a difference.
I spoke to Bruce at THE Show about that very thing. He recommended Ultra 5's under the amps and Ultras under the PS (although with the 4 transformers on each PS I almost wonder if Ultra 5's would be superior)

Ha-haaah!!! Will be very interesting to hear how that goes. Hopefully well. In my own system, I found the Ultra 5s to be absolutely great under power amps and power supplies...I did end up using HRS Nimbus/Couplers on top of all the Ultra 5s under the lighter power supplies...but I would not take them out now and don't expect to. Good luck.
As a turntable newbie, was utterly fascinating to learn from you (and Albert) on Friday. Well done!

It was great to meet you too. Finally someone with even more eclectic taste in music than me! I haven't been able to find that last album you played. May be I misremembered the artist. Could you post it?
I'm jealous. To think I was a few hundred miles away in the Bay Area. :(

Maybe next year! :)
I know Steve. I had my entire family in tow so the schedule wasn't so flexible. I spent an entire week in New York too and I would've loved to have dropped in on Bob and Myles. Oh well, we'll get to hang out soon I bet. :)

If my brother-in-law hadn't moved from Sony in San Diego to Samsung in New Jersey, I definitely would have come by to visit you again. We really wanted to have our kids spend time with their cousins.

Great party :)
The company was great, and Gary's lessons in turntable precision were priceless!
Thanks again for the invite, and hope to see you soon!

Thank you


Great party :)
The company was great, and Gary's lessons in turntable precision were priceless!
Thanks again for the invite, and hope to see you soon!



Thank you for having me over during THE Show Newport. The party was great and lots of fun, I was surprised and happy to see Steve McCormack, we have been friends forever. I loved the talk about turntables from Gary Koh, I feel I have a soul mate and friend after one meeting with him.

Your system was so improved I could hardly believe it. Last year it was brilliant but you brought it to a whole new level. The bass is faster and tighter and almost "see through" now and distortion is almost non existent. Your hard work has paid off.

Sorry to be so slow to respond to your hospitality and great sound. The Munich show got me sick where I was taking antibiotics at Newport. That and photo show coverage exhausted me.

Thanks again, your party, friends and sound were the highlight of my California trip.
So Steve, what's your latest change?
Steve's avatar is perfect for this situation! LOL!

I just joined the forum. I found the whole db controversy amusing. From my perspective the db controversy is simple. If you need to turn up the volume, you turn it up. If you need to turn down the volume, you turn it down. For me, music appreciation is about just that, appreciating the music. It is not about getting caught up in technical details that have no bearing on appreciating the music.

I just joined the forum. I found the whole db controversy amusing. From my perspective the db controversy is simple. If you need to turn up the volume, you turn it up. If you need to turn down the volume, you turn it down. For me, music appreciation is about just that, appreciating the music. It is not about getting caught up in technical details that have no bearing on appreciating the music.

That's pretty much my way of thinking as well, but I do recognize that it's important to be aware of some technical details. And while I don't understand the heavy discussion about technical data and such, I ask questions when in doubt and bring out my inner doofus for all to read. The members here have been most helpful and patient with me in that regard.
That's pretty much my way of thinking as well, but I do recognize that it's important to be aware of some technical details. And while I don't understand the heavy discussion about technical data and such, I ask questions when in doubt and bring out my inner doofus for all to read. The members here have been most helpful and patient with me in that regard.

FWIW that's what we all do. No magic or revelation here. The whole issue of Db was discussed do to the addition of Shunyata gear which gave a perception of increased Db. This was a most odd and inexplicable finding. This had nothing to do with turning the music up or down. A more careful read of the Db issue in my blog would have revealed that.
I appreciate the interest in the why and wherefore around the db issue. Technical matters do have their place. It just seemed to me there was too much ado around the issue.
I appreciate the interest in the why and wherefore around the db issue. Technical matters do have their place. It just seemed to me there was too much ado around the issue.
Well you know it's an on-line forum, where too much ado about issues is the name of the game :p

You're right, of course. When I make too much ado about audio matters it is usually about SQ and musicality. That's my area of excess.

You're right, of course. When I make too much ado about audio matters it is usually about SQ and musicality. That's my area of excess.

Next time you're in SoCal give me a call and come by for a listen and we'll talk SQ and musicality :)

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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