1) I apologize if you received my question as snarky. I was crediting your backgound as a logician.
Fwiw, I don't think of myself as a logician. Although I spent half my life in the academy this is the first time I am labeled as such. I will admit to appealing to logic and reason now and then, which I do not see at odds with common sense. And as I said earlier, none of our discussion is about logic. My reaction was probably the result of what I took as the tone in your statement.
2) I disagree with your view that I did not ask your opinion about causality. You stated a conclusion "[there are few women in this hobby] by personal choice."
I asked you if this might be the result of men's attitudes towards women in the hobby. I might instead have asked. "Do you think this might be caused by men's attitudes toward women in the hobby?"
I truly do not understand how my question framed as a question about causality was interpreted by you as not asking about causality.
As I said earlier, you did not ask me about causaility.
Talking about causality is not the same thing as talking about a specific event or instance where one thing does or does not follow after another. Saying something like "Did all the bad mouthing of Wilson speakers make him leave the forum?" is not talking about causality. Examples of talking about causality might be: claiming 'there is a necessary connection between a cause and its effect', or, 'what we mean by a causal connection is merely an habituated association of ideas in our mind.' Causality was not the object of your question - and it seems odd you tried to frame it as such.
But to your main point ...
Your question to me was (I quote your words):
Did it occur to a logician such as yourself that the "personal choice" decision by women not to participate in the hobby might be the result of men's attitudes toward women in the hobby?
What your question is asking is: Did a certain notion occur to me? In other words: did you think about
this ? A short answer would be 'yes' or 'no'. You are asking me about my thought process. I took it as rhetorical because that is what the discussion and the OP's article were about - rhetorical because yes, I knew what the discussion was about - it was obvious. Viz, whether we (forum members) should change the way we talk in this forum better to accomodate women.
I am not about to take a position claiming anything about "men's attitudes toward women" and I was not about to fall into the trap of speculating about what those are - not in writing. Now if you want to describe what those are, that is, to say what
you are talking about or what you think those attitudes are, rather than an open ended question whose answer could be criticized regardless of what that answer was, then you would be as invested in your question as much as you wanted me to be.
3) This thread is about the essay posted in the opening post of this thread. That essay discussed at length women in audio. I posted my thoughts on that topic raised by the essay. I do not know why you are mixing my personal thoughts here about that essay with the discussion about Term of Service 2 in the thread about the definition of cordiality.
This is easy - because you made the connection yourself. Consider this quote from you:
I think this attitude may be exactly why there are so few women in the hobby.
Members may need to change how they post and interact to satisfy the decorum and cordiality standard of WBF.
Did it occur to a logician such as yourself that the "personal choice" decision by women not to participate in the hobby might be the result of men's attitudes toward women in the hobby?
I did not view the above as a disconnected group of sentences. You wrappered a statement about terms of service with comments about your views on men's attitudes toward women. As already noted I took your third sentence as rhetorical.
5) In no way have I viewed the discussion about Term of Service 2 in the thread about the definition of cordiality as a "beat down." I literally do not know what you are talking about. I am happy that that thread has provided people the opportunity to air directly their thoughts on the subject matter of that thread.
Yes, I agree my statement about your postings on terms of service enforcement as a 'beat down' was not about what you viewed it as. It was about how I viewed it. You might substitute "heavy handed" for "beat down". I agree that you literally did not know what I was talking about. I already asked what brought about what I see as a change in attitude and suggested you address the 'discourteous' people directly - no more acceptance of whining '"he hurt my feelings" in private e-mails. I already posted that I had respect for your willingness to have an open discussion on your position.