What is the effective mass of your Schröder tonearm?
Do other 003 users have any additional tonearm suggestion? For example, Kuzma 4 point or Thales? I understand that a very low mass tonearm would be best. Many thanks.
I know it was just released recently but I was wondering if any one has had a chance to hear DS Audio’s new 3rd generation $6000.00 optical cartridge yet? Model is the 003. Fremer said that the entry level cartridge was amazing at $2750.00. Thank you.
HI Scot
Yes we visited FInk Team some months ago to hear the new EPOS loudspeakers they launched at the Munich show this year. Fink owns a DS-003 which he played for us and I must say we liked it very much, actually so much we are now distributor for DS-Audio in Denmark
Can anybody with the DS-003 energizer confirm that both outputs are always active? I record all my albums as I play them and need a second output to feed my ADC.