DS Audio 003 optical cartridge

I have used a Schröder with my Grand Master. It works very well. I have heard the Viv Labs tonearm is also an excellent match.
I have used a Schröder with my Grand Master. It works very well. I have heard the Viv Labs tonearm is also an excellent match.
What is the effective mass of your Schröder tonearm?
Do other 003 users have any additional tonearm suggestion? For example, Kuzma 4 point or Thales? I understand that a very low mass tonearm would be best. Many thanks.
Hi everyone

I know it was just released recently but I was wondering if any one has had a chance to hear DS Audio’s new 3rd generation $6000.00 optical cartridge yet? Model is the 003. Fremer said that the entry level cartridge was amazing at $2750.00. Thank you.

Best regards
HI Scot
Yes we visited FInk Team some months ago to hear the new EPOS loudspeakers they launched at the Munich show this year. Fink owns a DS-003 which he played for us and I must say we liked it very much, actually so much we are now distributor for DS-Audio in Denmark :)
Can anybody with the DS-003 energizer confirm that both outputs are always active? I record all my albums as I play them and need a second output to feed my ADC.

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