And I live on the west coast...Grimes is from Vancouver. Thanks to Elon for teaching me which artists are from my own neighborhood.
And yes I agree that YouTube music videos aren't the equal of good vinyls spinning on a quality analog rig @ home. That I give you that; you are audacious in your music album selection of Grimes - Visions, and I highly approve. ...Same goes for Elon Musk; life's too short to restrict ourselves with less than extreme limits.
She is actually a dancer and choreographer that worked with many uk artists before her singing career. She is very very fit and intense, so on coke, I doubt it.
Japanese Breakfast if you like a more twin peaks electronic tinge
Not a negative, a smooth mover, and shaky @ times, visually and auditory. I know nothing about her, I give my straight impulse opinion from a simple tune on YouTube.
Japanese Breakfast - Boyish? I know nothing about them either; it sounds surreal, from another dimension, a galaxy from a new young cosmos. Without having it on vinyl it's tough for me to make it out with assertive definition and experience. I can only go with YouTube, and it suffices to not go beyond what it offers me. That's my simple quick opinion, after listening to it/her.
We are in the electronica, loop, meditative cosmos zone here. It's great, Elon Musk's zone.
It is Saturday night; please allow me to go completely off topic, away from Elon and Grimes and similar music genres and alliances...just for fun, in the heart of Saturday night...#726
I really do love these threads - they are hilarious. sort of like the two old guys on the Muppets bitching amongst themselves on how bad everything new is. But, then comes the love of really bad jazz musak by artist that can't write a song to save themselves and lame cover versions done by good looking chicks.
While I am not someone that's big on audiophile lounge singers, so far Grimes and Twigs are like donuts. They're flashy on the outside but are really just empty calories that you regret once you've tried to digest them. I certainly see some conflict with why so much of the most visually appealing, tend to lack so bad with the rest. Even Lady Gaga had that, where the music isn't special but the videos where great.
I just stumbled on this, and decided to grab an LP, hoping it doesn't have **** poor production quality.
Other newer stuff I just came across with the most modest effort
What drives me crazy about new music, isn't the music... It's that for every 100 albums that come out, if I like 10, maybe 5 of them don't sound like they were recorded with pillows over the microphones - on a really good day.