Hello BE718, if you have no noise in your system then why do you present a position that this unit does nothing at all? Without hearing it, might I add. Just curious as to why you would be so involved within the discussion...
Just to correct, I said I dont have a noise problem. The noise floor in my system is commensurate with the products known performance. There are no significant spuria or mains components. My position is not what you said.
I can see no reason for this box to do anything of technical merit beyond what can be achieved with cheap normal cable and a connector block. The more pertinent question is what is wrong in your system that would make this box necessary (assuming it does anything).
Its easily demonstrable that a box of this nature is not necessary to achieve low noise levels.
Why am I involved? I find this product one of the more curiously amusing hifi tweaks in an area where I have many years of directly relevant experience.
Please insert any ulterior motive you deem fit
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