Mike, there's a little confusion here. It's the POWERUS that is the power conditioner, although Entreq technology means that it's a lot more complex than just that. The CLEANUS is a unit which plugs into a spare outlet in the wall/other power conditioner (eg one of the 10 outlets fixed on my balanced transformer), and has a noise filtering capability, optimised further by running an Apollo or Atlantis ground lead back to a S. Tellus. I believe it has an efffect on mimimising mains borne hash enetering the audio chain from the mains, but because it's in parallel w/the system, and not channeled thru it, has no current limiting effects as many conditioners do.
I'm going to try one via my transformer to create a grounding chain to incl the mains.
I would say for you guys trying Entreq for the first time, just concentrate on grounding the components via S. Tellus, Cleanus can wait.
Guillame is the go-to guy for Cleanus experiences.