Mike, I'm chuffed to think I've been partly instrumental in getting you to consider Entreq. It would be great to hear some independent reports from listeners such as y'self and Christian, rather than the "usual suspects" (me, Lloyd, Barry, Guillame etc) banging on about things.
As Lloyd said, it will be fascinating to see if an uber sorted out system such as yours can go up another notch or two.
Just a couple of things - allow things to settle in, do NOT apply any critical thinking straight away - and the change if it is to be had is of a different order than a component or even cable change. It's more a kind of ethereal lifting of haze/hash that you won't be aware of now, but will surely be aware of it's absence after. It just adds to lack of cognitive dissonance, this sifting out of pollution allowing the full message of the music to come thru. Music will just wash over you, more relaxed yet more pertinent at the same time. Pure magic!
Despite Troy's clams to the contrary, Entreq grounding works v.well w/balanced power - in my system my Westwick 8kVA balanced transformer "transformed" the low end esp providing an unwavering solidity to the sound, 24/7, a foundation of confidence that Entreq grounding performs it's magic on, the latter opening up the soundstage, and removing layer upon layer of "gloop" (this is a technical word, don't you know?
). In a nutshell/summary, balanced power maxxes macrodynamics, grounding maxxes microdynamics.
Re use of single box/single cable, the only issue I have w/this is that it restricts the ability to use an Atlantis add on box, since this can only take ONE cable (usu from a S. Tellus box), and you may be running FOUR ground boxes. My suggestion when it comes to final purchase if you're a convert would be to run a S. Tellus adj to your main equipment rack to ground the Dart pre/Playback cdp-dac/reel to reel, and then experiment w/poss add on Atlantis box, and Apollo to Atlantis ground leads at a future date. Re your spkrs w/powered sub towers and Dart monos, I would run another S. Tellus to be placed centrally, and consider another Atlantis. But I guess S. Minimus' would be fine (4 in total, 2 sub towers + 2 Dart monos), I believe Entreq do a cheaper Minimus Atlantis, and I guess you could run 4 S. Minimus'/4 Minimus Atlantis'. And then there is the possibility of Cleanus (but that's a discussion for another day, Guillame is the expert on that here on this forum).
As Lloyd said, it will be fascinating to see if an uber sorted out system such as yours can go up another notch or two.
Just a couple of things - allow things to settle in, do NOT apply any critical thinking straight away - and the change if it is to be had is of a different order than a component or even cable change. It's more a kind of ethereal lifting of haze/hash that you won't be aware of now, but will surely be aware of it's absence after. It just adds to lack of cognitive dissonance, this sifting out of pollution allowing the full message of the music to come thru. Music will just wash over you, more relaxed yet more pertinent at the same time. Pure magic!
Despite Troy's clams to the contrary, Entreq grounding works v.well w/balanced power - in my system my Westwick 8kVA balanced transformer "transformed" the low end esp providing an unwavering solidity to the sound, 24/7, a foundation of confidence that Entreq grounding performs it's magic on, the latter opening up the soundstage, and removing layer upon layer of "gloop" (this is a technical word, don't you know?
Re use of single box/single cable, the only issue I have w/this is that it restricts the ability to use an Atlantis add on box, since this can only take ONE cable (usu from a S. Tellus box), and you may be running FOUR ground boxes. My suggestion when it comes to final purchase if you're a convert would be to run a S. Tellus adj to your main equipment rack to ground the Dart pre/Playback cdp-dac/reel to reel, and then experiment w/poss add on Atlantis box, and Apollo to Atlantis ground leads at a future date. Re your spkrs w/powered sub towers and Dart monos, I would run another S. Tellus to be placed centrally, and consider another Atlantis. But I guess S. Minimus' would be fine (4 in total, 2 sub towers + 2 Dart monos), I believe Entreq do a cheaper Minimus Atlantis, and I guess you could run 4 S. Minimus'/4 Minimus Atlantis'. And then there is the possibility of Cleanus (but that's a discussion for another day, Guillame is the expert on that here on this forum).