Audioblazer, Troy may indeed walk over Entreq. Given the price differential, esp in the UK, kitting out my system would have been 2-3x pricier w/Troy, and no chance to upgrade (all in cost Troy v. upgradeability Entreq), and I'm v. happy to have invested in a product that potentially could be shown a clean pair of heels.
One thing is true, both Entreq and Troy have the capacity to turbo charge the performance of a system, vitally retaining the tonal qualities of that system (unlike wholesale component changes) and hence if you've carefully chosen and spent big bucks getting a system you really are happy with, grounding will just break performance thru the headroom of system noise/hash, even if you're not really aware it exists.
You can't go wrong w/either make - it's really a matter of how deep your pockets are, and whether you can buy all in one go (Troy) v. happy to upgrade (S. Tellus to Atlantis, Apollo to Atlantis).
Just one note Christian, you can't run an Atlantis box standalone, it's purely an add-on to an existing S. Tellus.