I will comment on what has been my experience with, Entreq.
I have owned Silver Tellus, Silver Minimus, Poseidon, Olympus Minimus and Olympus Infinity boxes and Eartha Apollo Infinity, Olympus Infinity cables and borrowed for evaluation, Atlantis Infinity.
The terminations of the cables have been: RCA, female XLR, USB, Spades, RJ45 and Schuko.
In my System, and this is important because maybe in other systems things may be different, they have not worked for me: the cables with RJ45 connector to Router or Switch, the connections with Spade connector to the chassis screws of the LPS that feed My Router or Switch and I even ended up removing the connections to the negative terminals of the amplifier. In all these cases there was always a feeling of initial improvement with greater resolution, but in the medium term I realized that the sound was tiring and that was unacceptable. My current configuration consists of 4 boxes (3 Olimpus Infinity and 1 Poseidon) 8 Eartha Olympus Infinity cables and 8 Everest. Each box is dedicated to a device with two cables: 2 XLR female to the analog outputs of the DAC, 2 USB to ports of the Server, 2 RCA to analog inputs of the Pre Amplifier and 2 RCA to analog inputs of the DAC.
My conclusion regarding these Entreq products are the following:
The Silver Tellus and Minimus, Poseidon and Olympus Minimus (1/3 of Poseidon) boxes play in the same league, but of course they are not in the same position in the classification. Poseidon is much better than Silver Tellus. Olympus Infinity is on a different level, in fact my next step will be to change Poseidon for Olympus Infinity.
The same can be applied to cables until reaching Atlantis with respect to Olympus Infinity.
Although the Olympus Infinity box has two terminals, never mix two devices, if you want to use the two terminals use two cables to the same device, it improves the sound even more.
I think that with the Olympus Infinity models, Entreq has started a new way that produces a really impressive sound.