Entreq Tellus grounding

Grazie Paolo, soltanto non sono ancora 100% sicuro, se questo metamorphoso a il suo origine da fuori (il suono ) o in vece da dentro (imaginazione ) il mio cervello! ?Please excuse my misuse of your beautiful language and happy listening!
Thanks jazzhead.
Yes I think it is very likely that they will need some burn/settling in time.
Are you using them on terminals for the earth leads for sources? My thinking was to use them in that way and on the Poseidon negative amplifier speaker terminals,

Hi Barry ... Got some time on them now . All posts pegged , not one to die wondering , lol ! . AT and Cleanus also treated with E's .
Solo Piano ... Left hand harmonies better defined , more 3D ... Providing a more stable base for the right hand melody to float . Much improved sustain and decay . Apparently can be used on amp & speaker binding posts as well ( only A8 thread for now ). Definite recommendation for current Entreq users. When you getting em to try ?

congrats Jazzhead!
Thanks for the update Jazzhead and the photo.
They certainly look a serious piece of a kit and your report bears out what I had been told.
Thanks also for the info that you can use them on amps and speakers. I was wondering about that and couldn't see any obvious reason why not so your confirmation of that is welcome.
My guy has had some problems with his father's health so I have been a bit reluctant to chase him, but hopefully I will receive some pretty soon. Your report certainly makes me more impatient to experience them and I'll report back,
Impressive indeed Jazzhead. Were you listening to analog or digital? What music was it? I am asking to rule out micro climatic changes such as temperature or humidity, which can have a similar effect to what you have experienced. Olof's new toy could give more stability to a joint. Do you have any idea what and why could have made for the startling change in the sound of the piano which you had experienced?
Impressive indeed Jazzhead. Were you listening to analog or digital? What music was it? I am asking to rule out micro climatic changes such as temperature or humidity, which can have a similar effect to what you have experienced. Olof's new toy could give more stability to a joint. Do you have any idea what and why could have made for the startling change in the sound of the piano which you had experienced?

Hello Deltof , thanks . I am Digital only and RBCD at that , piano in general has improved as described . I refer to recordings I am intimate with ..... Maria Pires Chopin Nocturnes (DG) , Nelson Freire : Lizst Harmonies DU Soir (Decca), Horowitz at Home (DG) .

The improvement in sound has been quite marked with the addition of the Everests , yes ! It is a case of it being additive , where the whole is greater than the sum of parts . You could call me a Groundhog :cool: ........ Tripoint Thor with stock cables . Entreq trio Olympus + Atlantis Tellus + Atlantis Cleanus . Entreq Poseidon plus Atlantis Minimusx2 to the speaker ground compartments . Dedicated Silver Tellus for 6 Receivus Tabs muscled with a separate Atlantis Tellus . Plus a three level Athena rack , with each shelf ground back to the Olympus .

I cannot offer any technical explanation of why it works , all I assume is that there is inherent continuous EMI/RF generated within an active circuit and purging it at a faster rate increases efficiency . So I have experienced with each step , the increasing ease , power and lower noise floor . The system loafing along like going from an inline 4 to a V6... V8 ... . You would think there would be a brick wall one would hit in terms of improvement , but apparently not yet , as proved with the Everest . Cat litter for all I care , it works and wonders at that ... For me at least .

I read about your being a converted Entreq believer , could you please share your experience . It will be interesting to hear from one with a reference rig . I immensely enjoyed the thread on Bonzo's visit to your Aladdnin's cave , what treasures !!!

Happy Listening .
Cheers LL , trust the fine tuning is coming along well .

steady, steady...have done a respectable job of getting low-bass under control and getting the main equipment properly isolated/rfi/emi shielded. In about 2 weeks, with everything settled in, we will recalibrate the main speakers to really fine tune based on my listening notes. We may also address a bit of the room via treatments.
Thanks Jazzhead! Reallly very interesting. Your report tempts me to try it myself. I have a Troy on digital and on the Kondo, Entreqs on the Lamm frontend and lamm phono as well as on all my amps. The result was first nothing, but after a day or two a greater naturalness of the sound as before, the ability to listen deeper into the music , a liquidity that was not there before. These effects seemed to deepen even
more in the first two weeks and have by now become the new normal. In fact, I am so happy with the way that my rig sounds these days, that basically I do not want to experiment at the moment. Should I however give in to temptation, what and where do you suggest should I apply Olofs new toy?

steady, steady...have done a respectable job of getting low-bass under control and getting the main equipment properly isolated/rfi/emi shielded. In about 2 weeks, with everything settled in, we will recalibrate the main speakers to really fine tune based on my listening notes. We may also address a bit of the room via treatments.

Whoa ! Some intense stuff happening , good luck n keep us posted . Recalibrate as in resistor value change ?
Thanks Jazzhead! Reallly very interesting. Your report tempts me to try it myself. I have a Troy on digital and on the Kondo, Entreqs on the Lamm frontend and lamm phono as well as on all my amps. The result was first nothing, but after a day or two a greater naturalness of the sound as before, the ability to listen deeper into the music , a liquidity that was not there before. These effects seemed to deepen even
more in the first two weeks and have by now become the new normal. In fact, I am so happy with the way that my rig sounds these days, that basically I do not want to experiment at the moment. Should I however give in to temptation, what and where do you suggest should I apply Olofs new toy?


If you have had success with Entreq , by all means you MUST give in to temptation. Totally worth it , in my experience . Give two a go , the natural place given your scheme of things would be on the ground box peg with the pre amp and one for the phono . It does not fit the Tripoint , I'd bet you won't be stopping after two ;)
Hello everybody,
I now have an Olympus Tellus wth many inputs. I'd like to know if someone already tried to connect the speakers to an Entreq box and if yes on which loudspeaker input ? Also do you need, as for connecting the amps, connect one speaker to a dedicated box ?
If someone tried that what is the sonic benefit if ever there is one ?
Hi there cuntigh.
You need to check out the Entreq website.
You need separate ground boxes or a Poseidon to connect the speakers. The earth cables connect to the amps negative speaker terminals and the speaker terminals, but you can't use an Olympus or Silver Tellus.
Must use separate ground boxes or the Poseidon which is three separated Olympus Minis.
Hi there cuntigh.
You need to check out the Entreq website.
You need separate ground boxes or a Poseidon to connect the speakers. The earth cables connect to the amps negative speaker terminals and the speaker terminals, but you can't use an Olympus or Silver Tellus.
Must use separate ground boxes or the Poseidon which is three separated Olympus Minis.

Thank you Barry,
I haven't even conected my amps so I asked myself what is more efficient : connecting amps or speakers first ? If I think about, I can't imagine to have so many Entreq boxes (1 Olympus Tellus +2 minis for the amps and again 2 for the speakers...).
When I had the Silver Tellus and Atlantis in my furniture every people that came home asked me why I put my wine in that strange place ....
Thank you Barry,
I haven't even conected my amps so I asked myself what is more efficient : connecting amps or speakers first ? If I think about, I can't imagine to have so many Entreq boxes (1 Olympus Tellus +2 minis for the amps and again 2 for the speakers...).
When I had the Silver Tellus and Atlantis in my furniture every people that came home asked me why I put my wine in that strange place ....

Getting the best is never easy but your Olympus Tellus can ground everything except the negative amp speaker terminals which need two minis so 1 Olympus and two minis.
I've owned the Powerus Challenger 3v for several months and it never ceases to amaze me.

I moved my netgear ethernet power line adapter from an Oyaide wall outlet to the Powerus.

If I had any doubts that RFI/EMI wreak havoc on our stereo systems, there wasn't any left.

With the power line plugged into the Powerus, there was a huge drop in noise. And a seismic leap in musicality, ease, and transparency.

A big step towards making Tidal streaming sound as good as CD playback.
I also switched from a Maestro outlet to an Oyaide R0.

The R0 is in a class of its own and a good match for the Powerus.

It does bring you several rows closer to the music. And I feel it's actually better than the original GTX-D rhodium as a wall outlet.
Hello everybody,
I now have an Olympus Tellus wth many inputs. I'd like to know if someone already tried to connect the speakers to an Entreq box and if yes on which loudspeaker input ? Also do you need, as for connecting the amps, connect one speaker to a dedicated box ?
If someone tried that what is the sonic benefit if ever there is one ?

To dealers who want to test the Entreq products, I systematically suggest to start with connecting the negative speaker input with a silver minimus. They all come back enthusiastic about the test.
So, for me, the obvious answer to your question is: yes, connecting speaker input is like a minimum you can do yielding unvariably a very positive effect.

Should it be separate boxes? Yes, very much preferred but it does not have to be Olympus minimus neither.

The sonic benefit is quite diverse actually but also speaker dependent: less glare in the treble, better tonality overall, tighter bass, lower noise floor yielding better micro-dynamics and wider sound staging.

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