CMG:similar experience on change from stock/Cardas Clear Beyond to Vanta power cables.I started recording after 270 hours of burn-in. From what I hear in my room, it has an advantage over shunyata. Shunyata calmed down the sound a lot, almost too much. I did not notice any positive effect of the Altair ground conditioner. The background hasn't changed anything at all. I wonder how this device works. As for the Powerzone, I added Vanta cables to it and the sound calmed down significantly. the cables did not negatively affect its performance, rather they eliminated all unnecessary sharpness after using the PZ3 in the system. we'll see what happens next. Gigawatt Powermaster is scheduled to come to me for a test tomorrow. It is the top model of this manufacturer. We'll see what it brings to my system.
Thank you for your videos.