Exactly right. I have been contemplating getting into tape for about two years. Every time I listen to tape, I realize how superb it is....and how in some ways it cannot be beaten by almost all vinyl. Then I think about the cost, the hassle and frankly the lack of software compared to vinyl. So, i have opted to spend my audio $$ on vinyl, because you can always improve it somehow and there is always that title that you want and need. I guess IF I had an open ended budget, tape would be a definite, AFTER I have satisfied all of my vinyl requirements.
Couple of weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of hearing Sam ( C1 Ferrari's) magnificent Studer A820..playing several of the tape project tapes.... Sublime. BUT, I still came to the same conclusion as above....for me.YMMV.
Dave, I'm going to PM you if you don't mind, your reply has hit the "zone of truth and commonsense" ie the one that chimes w/me.
I don't know about anyone else, but I find the best way to make decisions that are important, that are pricey, or have intricate pros and cons (which audio, and esp this area definitely applies) is after hours brainstorming yes/no yes/no/yes/no/don't know ad infinitum, is to go to sleep, wake up the next morning and just allow a decision to float to consciousness while you're not struggling mentally.
And that's what's happened this morning after spending pretty much the whole evening y'day to and fro on this thread and getting about 6 hours in the sack.
I'll let you know all know what I feel this morning when I speak a bit more to Dave.
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