If you have reservations regarding the commitment well sorted RTR takes, you made the right decision. Spend the money on optimizing your vinyl playback if you feel there is room to grow there.
...the q indeed.
Firstly, sorry for the pun, maybe my worst one yet.
Secondly, I wanted to thank all the guys who contributed so fully and generously w/their opinions and advice re my thread about conflicting getting into tape.
It has been the most fun time I've had on a thread, even if it is of my own making - no pesky subjective v objective blind alleys for a start!
Mike Lavigne, Steve Williams, Blizzard and DaveyF helped out a lot, I managed to have comms w/Ed Pong and esp Bob Yarlung, the latter whom I spoke on the phone for a good twenty minutes.
And discussion w/a friend of Mike's, Richard, and Charles, the Stellavox man, all v. enlightening.
And after 2-3 days brainstorming, and arguing w/myself, I decide "Not 2Reel".
The reason not to go tape is not the substantial cost of entry. I have the $5k-$25k needed to get in, from J-Corder Technics 1500s/Charle's Stellavox to Greg Beron's top UHA.
Also not the cost of tapes and limited titles. I finally "got" that it is just an upper echelon, a luxury, full of quality, and to be enjoyed and invested in at intervals.
I fully get that it's a total treat, and esp for all those incl me for whom analog remains the epitome, it's not just King of the Hill, but Emperor Of the Known Universe.
No, the issues for me actually start after I make the decision to reconcile cost and luxury status. Now the journey evolves into maintaining the deck, help w/setup and alignment, care w/storing tapes. I'm really struggling to readily find anyone on the grapevine to link up with to make this journey together with.
And there is NO point getting into this half arsed, a costly hobby would be a total waste. No, all in, fully committed w/backup, or not at all.
There's no doubt if I didn't have my great guys to help me service my 1968 Citroen DS21 and my Barco 1209s crt projector, both paragons of analog magnificence, and both eternal headaches w/out professional backup, I would not have invested to begin.
I also have a reliable rule of thumb. If I have a complicated life decision/spending choice to make, and I am seriously conflicted last thing before bed (apologies to my long suffering GF), but I wake up calm and collected and a choice emerges in the stillness of morning, I go w/my morning decision. And the last two mornings I've woken to feel I should not go into tape.
And that's where I am, and likely to stay.
So thank you one and all, I've swayed quite a few ways, but despite being sad I'm not entering a potentially joyous area of audio, I'm sanguine I'm making the right decision.
Tape, you could have been sooo fine, but it was never meant to be.
If you have reservations regarding the commitment well sorted RTR takes, you made the right decision. Spend the money on optimizing your vinyl playback if you feel there is room to grow there.
Yes, this is the most critical part of the R2R adventure, IMHO you took the proper decision. If I was not able to be self sufficient keeping the machines in top condition, I would never have entered the reign of the Emperor Of the Known Universe. I also do not know of any local technician able to maintain top R2R equipment.
If you buy one of Greg's decks, or a J-corder Technics, setup and alignment is ridiculously easy, and given the number of hours you will likely put on the deck, I would say maintenance (for those) is not likely to be an issue. If those are really your main objections, you should reconsider and go reel.
Let me see if I can change your mind.And that's where I am, and likely to stay.
Let me see if I can change your mind.
Why not get a nice $3K to $4K deck in 100% working condition and a couple of tapes you like. No fancy outboard amps, no nothing. Hook that up and take a listen. If it doesn't grab you, then put them up for sale and you should be able to get most of your money back. Meanwhile you would have acquired the kind of knowledge that none of us can parlay in words. If on the other hand you find it enjoyable, you can get your girlfriend to listen and then look at upgrading in the future. Meanwhile you can build up your library of tapes.
PM Ki Choi and see what the options would be for such an animal.
So please, I may look like I'm trying to find any reason not to join the party, but I'm getting more conflicting advice on this esp choice of decks, and philisophical opinions on participation or not, then on any other area of audio. And that's allied to the schizo yo yoing I'm prone to anyway.
My extra .02.
You already have a top vinyl analog system in a very much tweaked system - IMHO only an excellent R2R machine with an outboard amplifier or an heavily tweaked machine will have the opportunity to challenge your system. Since you live in EC, I would advise you to consider a machine sourced and serviced in EC, otherwise customs and shipping can become a nightmare in the future. I know that there are several italian and geman companies specializing in the maintenance of professional R2R machines, such as http://www.analogplanet.it/en/#, but I have no direct experience with them.
This is the way I'm going to go, if I go at all.
Yeah he always had audio philitis. Nothing wrong with that. Outs a hobby. As long as people accept what they are, it's fine.
I believe you are referring to Mike? He is the distributor of Zensati, his record company has another name. He does this demo with a giant TT with a large clamp (don't remember if it was TW), Nagra stuff. Also has the mooks. I bought one of his CDs last year.