Two years ago I first assembled these open baffle speakers and was amazed by the sound (in my cramped old flat, with the speakers positioned too close to each other, and inverted):
I still have vivid memories of the first time I played them! At the time I was using Davis Courbet speakers (sold since), which are nice little speakers, but nowhere near offering the transparency of the open baffles.
The sound still amazes me today (it actually sounds better than on a video, as can be expected) but I also still have issues with room acoustics.
Those two diffusers shown in the video don't really do anything, they are not deep enough and don't cover a large enough surface.
Since I switched (for practical reasons) from placing the speakers along the length to the width of the room I no longer have the issue of sitting against a wall (the room is 11 meters deep, which is nice), but I now I need to figure out how to deal with front wall reflections. I cannot move the speakers further away from that front wall.
I was considering putting decorative absorption panels (and moving the current panels I have hanging there to another wall of my living room)
I am now wondering whether diffusion may be a better option? Diffusion panels are unfortunately not visually very pleasing...
I am afraid the bass traps I have in the corners behind the speakers are not sufficient either, but that is less of an issue for me.
That being said, I love the sound, but I just feel things are not optimal.
I was able to test AMT tweeters someone lend me and they are really beneficial, even if their sensitivity is a little low compared to the 4 Tang Band drivers. Wired with a single capacitor in series (the TB drivers are kept filterless) they add some air and sound very refined. I'm sold on that.
I still have vivid memories of the first time I played them! At the time I was using Davis Courbet speakers (sold since), which are nice little speakers, but nowhere near offering the transparency of the open baffles.
The sound still amazes me today (it actually sounds better than on a video, as can be expected) but I also still have issues with room acoustics.
Those two diffusers shown in the video don't really do anything, they are not deep enough and don't cover a large enough surface.
Since I switched (for practical reasons) from placing the speakers along the length to the width of the room I no longer have the issue of sitting against a wall (the room is 11 meters deep, which is nice), but I now I need to figure out how to deal with front wall reflections. I cannot move the speakers further away from that front wall.
I was considering putting decorative absorption panels (and moving the current panels I have hanging there to another wall of my living room)

Ekustik Woody Queen Japan Trio
Ekustik Woody Queen Japan Trio Performance Absorber; Set bestehend aus 3 Akustikelementen für mittlere und hohe Frequenzen; bedruckt mit Japan Motiv; zur Optimierung des Raumklanges in Tonstudios, Heimkinos, im Homerecording Bereich oder in...

I am now wondering whether diffusion may be a better option? Diffusion panels are unfortunately not visually very pleasing...
I am afraid the bass traps I have in the corners behind the speakers are not sufficient either, but that is less of an issue for me.
That being said, I love the sound, but I just feel things are not optimal.
I was able to test AMT tweeters someone lend me and they are really beneficial, even if their sensitivity is a little low compared to the 4 Tang Band drivers. Wired with a single capacitor in series (the TB drivers are kept filterless) they add some air and sound very refined. I'm sold on that.
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