Dear David,
One of the joys of joining a forum is being able to take the time to savour member's systems; Here I was wandering around the members gallery when I cam across your system. And was stopped. In. My. Tracks. It is absolutely bonkers. I love it.
I'm not sure whether to congratulate you, or make an appointment with the nearest psychiatrist for an urgent intervention
In all seriousness, this is one of those over the top systems which just leave me with a sense of shock and awe, knowing there is always someone out there with the commitment and means to pursue this hobby over the years to the zenrith of their interest, without constraint or apparent wifely approval. If you are married, and, if you are, I have no idea how you still are, I want to know how you got away with it.
In short, this is one of those systems that I would really love to hear, and hopefully be left alive afterwards to tell the tale - I can imagine it would, at full flight, have the impact roughly akin to a A380 on take off.
And of course that has to be one of the finest collection of turntables and cartridges ever assembled as well. Talk about being spoilt for choice.
Its just fantastic.