Some recent posts have lead me to a curiosity of the size of some of the rooms used by our members.
With that said, How about letting us know the general size of your room and any additional information you would like to add.
I'll start things off with my room:
Approximate size in feet: 18' W x 43' L x 8' H around 5900-6192 cubic ft
Additional info: Multipurpose rooms with priority towards 2-channel listening. Speakers setup along 18' wall. It also has many open spaces to much larger areas of my home outside of this space.
So how about you?
How would you characterize your room size? small, medium, large?
Approximate size in feet:
Additional info:
It looks like we are still doing well. We'd like to get as much participation as possible from our WBF membership so our sample size will be larger.
The goal is just to have general ideas of room sizes of as many members as possible as asked in the original post. From the looks of things so far, many of the rooms are of similar average sizes. But the more info we get the more each member will be able to understand their rooms in relation to others.
Lets keep sharing room size information.