The fact that you think this is all a big conspiracy is laughable.
--- No, that, is your own interpretration of my words. I assure you right now that it is not what I think like you said,
"a big conspiracy". So, please erase that from your mind. :b
If you feel that you are an "innocent person that has been robbed without compassion," you really need to do your homework more.
---- Lol, if there is one person here who does a lot of research, I am certainly one of them, I think.
Most reviews miss something. Even when I've spent a couple of months listening to a component, trying this combination and that, I always wish I would have spent even more time with it. But you can't really expect a mfr. to leave a five or six figure component with you for a year.
---- I fully agree with you; that is why the readers, us, we have to be 'above' it. :b
I'm really curious, what "fatal flaw" did you not discover until it was "too late?"
---- It was the bass management of a Blu-ray player by Samsung.
- The reviewer said that it was a great feature to have a 7.1 multichannel analog output for people having a pre/pro or receiver of vintage years, so that they can have the high res audio decoded inside the player and output through that connection, and have the high def picture directly from the HDMI out to the HDMI in on your HDTV. That was a while ago, before I upgraded my components.
He did not check that there wasn't any speaker levels, any speaker distance adjustments in the player!
And Samsung's own website did not mention that either. But I was assuming that if you put a feature like that in a player with a premium price, that it is the least that you can expect. I was wrong! And I felt betrayed.
Not the end of the world, just $400 wasted.
- And another $800 wasted from another product of theirs because they stopped supporting it by not giving anymore firmware updates.
Now that player cannot play several Blu-ray discs, and have big issues with many of my HD DVD discs as well.
And my plasma ($2,000), also from them, has developed annoying 'flashing pixels'. ...Semi-dormant, useless.
All a review is for, even the best review, is to help you, the consumer put something on your short list to
audition and test drive for yourself, to see if it truly suits your needs, works in your system and within your
budget constraints.
---- That particular review (BD player) did not meet its objective; it did not help but it did more harm than good. I'm careful now with this particular reviewer, and also with this particular company. And even more so because it happened before too, and even after.
Please let me know what manufacturer has deceived you. I'll be happy to make an introduction for you at
the next CES. I'm sure if you told them in person, they would happily refund your money.
---- Like I said, Samsung.
But the reviewer is as guilty as well for not checking out.
- I did contact Samsung, and not only for that isssue but several ones too from other products of theirs; one of the worst customer service around!
...No compensations were ever offered to me (few products); the only thing that I got is more aggravation!
I learned a valuable lesson, at my own financial and 'time consuming' and 'emotional frustration' expenses. No more thank you very much.
You sound a bit dramatic here. "Destruction of vital organs?" Really?
---- Just my sense of humor. :b
If all else fails, start your own magazine/website, so you can tell us the real truth.
---- Lol, few people in the past encouraged me to start my own site, but I'm happy here among you smart people. :b ..The philosophies behind WBF are meeting mine just right on.
* By the way, what is your 'real' first name?