-- Just for precision, I am not talking about broken-in products from my last few posts, but missed information, not divulged (by simple mistake, lack of integrity, lack of knowledge on the product they reviewed I assume), but that made all the difference in the world! ...And it's too late when we finally discovered the fatal flaw. ...And we cannot use this product in our system, it just ain't working as it was mentioned (as a feature useful for many people) in the review! That's what I'm talking about. ...A fatal omission. ...Like this preamp has zero feedback (just as an example, but that ain't it), and then you bought it, you let it sit in your basement because you're in no rush and you feel safe about the future, and then you install it only to discover that the feature described before is totally flawed in its implementation, and that the reviewer forget to mention this very very very important point, and that the manufacturer doesn't have the info on his own website (a Samsung product by the way), and that you cannot return it because you passed the 30 days period time.
It's an honest principle man, it's a piece of vital information that consumers need (me, us, you, them), and it wasn't divulged, but 'camouflaged' somehow, and that irritates me deeply, and after the fact, when I learned the full story behind it, and that other reviewers and other manufacturers are doing the same, I'm boiling to the point of committing suicide (well, not to that extreme, but the thought was/is still there though). :b ...I should sue them for false info, stress vindication, inflicted emotional pain, escrocerie, bad bad bad misrepresentation, loss of trust, of self-confidence, destruction of vital internal organs, money wasted and now missing from my bank account, etc., etc., etc.
See, that's the thing today, reviewers simply don't have the full time and real dedication to be useful to us, the readers, the customers, the purchasers of the products they review; to the contrary, they are doing us a disservice. ...Not all of them, but just too many of them.
And the audio manufacturers are as guilty as charged. It's like a plot, an organized crime, the mafia, a plan by bank robbers, a complot to extricate money from innocent people, consumers, their own customers in order to rob them, and rob them good, with true dedication, and no compassion whatsoever.
I can bring you right here some concrete examples, but that would be extremely painful to them, and they would feel sorry to have missed some crucial points in their reviews. And I would make them understand very well that what they ultimately provided to some of us, smart readers, was only true deception!
Anyway, I'd rather talk about some' else. :b ..HP and his new website. :b