If I wanted that, I would buy good active speakers, e.g. me-geithain.I am not being harsh...simply stating a fact. Have you ever heard a digitally corrected speaker where you can A/B from passive to digitally corrected? Pretty shocking the improvement. Designers who don't think it matters should do this and see what they have left on the table with their design. Now, I realize that many have a taboo against doing digital correction but done right it can be transparent. You have to use the engine only in the digital, feed a good reclocker to eliminate the jitter from the digital correction and then to your top DAC of choice. Obviously, if the designer wants to try to do it passively, he may throw the baby out with the bathwater as we say (don't know if there is the same saying in German or not).
I live excellently with a partially active speaker 15"bass, 15" coax only a notch filter for midrange better roll off to heights and 12db filter to limit horn driver below. If I knew a digital solution that sounds similar, I would have it.