"If you don't have a $200k [speaker]..."

I am not being harsh...simply stating a fact. Have you ever heard a digitally corrected speaker where you can A/B from passive to digitally corrected? Pretty shocking the improvement. Designers who don't think it matters should do this and see what they have left on the table with their design. Now, I realize that many have a taboo against doing digital correction but done right it can be transparent. You have to use the engine only in the digital, feed a good reclocker to eliminate the jitter from the digital correction and then to your top DAC of choice. Obviously, if the designer wants to try to do it passively, he may throw the baby out with the bathwater as we say (don't know if there is the same saying in German or not).
If I wanted that, I would buy good active speakers, e.g. me-geithain.

I live excellently with a partially active speaker 15"bass, 15" coax only a notch filter for midrange better roll off to heights and 12db filter to limit horn driver below. If I knew a digital solution that sounds similar, I would have it.
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If I wanted that, I would buy good active speakers, e.g. me-geithain.

I live excellently with a partially active speaker 15"bass, 15" coax only a notch filter for midrange better roll off to heights and 12db filter to limit horn driver below. If I knew a digital solution that sounds similar, I would have it.
Not me, unless it came with SETs built in instead of class D! Seriously, a digital solution where you choose the DACs and amps is far more preferrable to one where they have integrated the DAC and amps because most of these companies are more pro oriented and to them a DACs and amps are just fully worked out commodities. I have heard the speakers you mention and I can easily hear the damage the integrated electronics cause. Same thing with the Avantgarde Zero that I heard that was a fully integrated package. The TA version might be more interesting with only active bass.

I am interested in this unit at the moment. DDRC-22D - All Digital Dirac Live Stereo Processor (minidsp.com)

It is digital in and digital out. I could take this from my streamer and then run the output through my Mutec reclocker before going to my Ayon DAC. I would be mostly interested in Impulse response optimization. Of course I would try the room correction as well. This is a solution that, assuming the processing is transparent, should have minimal impact on sound quality...of course it has to be tried to determine this.
listen to the speaker with a good tube preamp. By the way, there is no class d amp in there, that shows me that you've never heard a geithain. digital not my cup i don't want ad converter for phono. i have enough devices here don't need a longer signal path.
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listen to the speaker with a good tube preamp. By the way, there is no class d amp in there, that shows me that you've never heard a geithain. digital not my cup i don't want ad converter for phono. i have enough devices here don't need a longer signal path.
I have heard them but didn't know what amp tech is inside...just know its not tubes.
The setup of WA speakers is included in the price! Can you name other brands that do this? When I bought my Sashas, 2 guys flied in from another city and spent the whole day unpacking and then setting up my new speakers. They certainly were not Jim Smith :), but they did an excellent job.
When i bought my first set of Martin Logan Statement E2's a team flew into Miami to assemble and set them up. Someone from ML came back on 2 occasions after burn in to take measurements and make subsequent adjustments, they also supplied me with a full set of extra spikes, because i liked the design of the ones used in their original advertising, later production models had changed. And when i had a balance discrepancy they sent me a full set of crossover electronic and extra set of electrostatic panels, for free ! Gayle Sanders was still running the company back then, that was fantastic service ! :)
When i bought my first set of Martin Logan Statement E2's a team flew into Miami to assemble and set them up. Someone from ML came back on 2 occasions after burn in to take measurements and make subsequent adjustments, they also supplied me with a full set of extra spikes, because i liked the design of the ones used in their original advertising, later production models had changed. And when i had a balance discrepancy they sent me a full set of crossover electronic and extra set of electrostatic panels, for free ! Gayle Sanders was still running the company back then, that was fantastic service ! :)

i would love to hear the statements. The hybrids are still a fantastic value speakers, one of the few current companies that makes speakers that reproduce music. Maybe older models from Sanders’ time were better like some say, I do not know.
Selling machinery made from a variety of material and listening to the use of the material in audio devices are two different things. Until you experience the Ansuz Darkz demo you don't have an informed opinion.
And Danes from that part of the country trying to sell you something, are magicians at demoes !;)
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i would love to hear the statements. The hybrids are still a fantastic value speakers, one of the few current companies that makes speakers that reproduce music. Maybe older models from Sanders’ time were better like some say, I do not know.
You would not like them Ked, way to many drivers and need for high power low impedance SS amplifiers !;)
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You would not like them Ked, way to many drivers and need for high power low impedance SS amplifiers !;)

i like ML hybrids, well restored apogees, including the scintilla, Stenheim (especially with CH), Zellaton (FM acoustics).
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OY VEY! So you asked the Wilson sales guy if what they are doing is good?
Look with all due respect you do not have the experience to judge this. No matter how many names you drop or calls you make set up is a very different skill set than being an audio salesman or a reviewer or a cook or a car dealer or whatever. It requires experience and a set of defined goals.Many of the reviewers dont do there own set ups. Harry did and had a set up staff.
Set up takes more than a ruler and a chart since if the speaker is placed wrong, or the chair is placed wrong, or the acoustics are wrong,or the room has issues those numbers are not going to help very much.
And Elliot wins with a full inch ! ;)
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And Danes from that part of the country trying to sell you something, are magicians at demoes !;)
Funny, i have Danish speakers and I am American...you are Danish and have American speakers! It's like yin and yang (not sure which is which ;)
  • Haha
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Funny, i have Danish speakers and I am American...you are Danish and have American speakers! It's like yin and yang (not sure which is which ;)

Grass is always greener on the other side .

Question for Lee regarding speakers

At what price do you finally start having good sound and why ?

10 K
50 K
100 K
250 K
500 K
1 Million.

per pair
Funny, i have Danish speakers and I am American...you are Danish and have American speakers! It's like yin and yang (not sure which is which ;)
I still have my German MBL's with a set of ML subwoofer towers bought in Switzerland playing in a different part of the listening room ! o_O And Italien Sonus Fabers for the television!IMG_1593.jpg
I still have my German MBL's with a set of ML subwoofer towers bought in Switzerland playing in a different part of the listening room ! o_O And Italien Sonus Fabers for the television!View attachment 114458
You sure that is not someone else's audio delights shop?

What's with the sofa absorber between the two MBLs?
You sure that is not someone else's audio delights shop?

What's with the sofa absorber between the two MBLs?
I move those couches around a lot ! :rolleyes: One position for watching TV and 2 different ones for each audio system. They are custom made with tight wool padding and a rubber membrane and function very efficiently as bass absorbers. Moving them one meter further back from 7 to 8 meter from the front wall makes a surprising difference !o_O No wife currently ! ;)
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And Danes from that part of the country trying to sell you something, are magicians at demoes !;)

I didn't see any hocus hocus. ;) They only changed the footers.
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  • Haha
Reactions: Lagonda
Grass is always greener on the other side .

Question for Lee regarding speakers

At what price do you finally start having good sound and why ?

10 K
50 K
100 K
250 K
500 K
1 Million.

per pair

I think it can be had at whatever level of budget one has...provided a competent setup and careful gear selection.

As I stated in my Magico M9 video, I do not believe in the Law of Diminishing Returns although there are some great values along the way.
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View attachment 114430

View attachment 114431

two types of time alignment for wilson speakers are shown in the picture, I prefer the second configuration (parallel drivers) .
the wilson manual gives you a table to adjust each driver position and the steps are not continues , those are discrete.

my wilson alexandria x2 series 1 (95db) was one of the best loudspeakers in Iran, it was in very effortless in dynamics both macro and micro, large scale and also was very natural. Many modern dynamic driver speakers are compress (in dynamics) but many prefer compress sound because of feeling of transparency, Wilson big speakers are not compress and those are my favorite speakers.
I had a comparison between TAD R1 and Alexandria last year in my showroom. It was very interesting comparison.

View attachment 114432
May I ask what is the slope used in there cross overs 6 or 12 ??
I still have my German MBL's with a set of ML subwoofer towers bought in Switzerland playing in a different part of the listening room ! o_O And Italien Sonus Fabers for the television!View attachment 114458
That is a beautiful sight.

Almost as good as the one where- I think it was your place - in what looked like a high rise bright condo with another beautiful system.

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