Now this is interesting. Yesterday I received a package from the seller with the extra parts that came with the C37. I removed the slip on cover for the record amplifier and the circuitry is point to point,no pcb here. The above pictures were from a J37 machine which was made later. Pretty much a straight wire with gain,as there are very few caps in the signal path to the E188CC tubes. The biggest cap is a .1uf 400v and a .047uf......and I thought Ampex circuits were to the point. This reminds me of my MR70 where everything is kept to the bare minimum. One good thing is the cost of parts for the upgrade will be light on the pocket and I can voice it the way I think it should be done. What is life without adventure.
I noticed that there is a TR145 Beyer transformer used. If I can that will definitely be replaced with a Lundahl. There's plenty of room for mounting the Lundahl and bypassing the Beyer,this will be a large improvement in transparency. I have the record amplifiers voiced out,should sound amazing and the playback when done too.
I took a look at Jensen transformers and they offer a unit that has the same mount as the Beyer. Jensen are darn good and I think a change would be worthwhile. Scratch the Jensen and Lundahl I found a input tranny that is -128db down now that gets me excited. I want to see if this C37 can sound as good as my nuvistor teflon MR70.....I'll give it a try and let the chips fall where they may.[1].pdf
I noticed that there is a TR145 Beyer transformer used. If I can that will definitely be replaced with a Lundahl. There's plenty of room for mounting the Lundahl and bypassing the Beyer,this will be a large improvement in transparency. I have the record amplifiers voiced out,should sound amazing and the playback when done too.
I took a look at Jensen transformers and they offer a unit that has the same mount as the Beyer. Jensen are darn good and I think a change would be worthwhile. Scratch the Jensen and Lundahl I found a input tranny that is -128db down now that gets me excited. I want to see if this C37 can sound as good as my nuvistor teflon MR70.....I'll give it a try and let the chips fall where they may.[1].pdf

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