Introducing My System

Hey guys, a quick update on my slow-rolling evolution of the system. I was previously testing with Magma M’s from NAT to see if they’re up my alley. I saw huge potential in the sound and decided to take the plunge. However, I was testing previously with what I believe are the standard GM30 tubes. For my own pair, I managed to procure a pair of Eimac 450TL tubes.

The difference in sound is substantial in favor of the US tubes. Less heat emission (which is a big thing for me) — not to mention the added clarity in the sound, control and tighter bass. As it is, the 450TL is a higher power tube than the GM30 and with that comes a higher damping factor. This controls the Coltrane 3’s in such a way that I don’t see a need for bi-amping that I was experimenting with previously.

I have only spent a couple of hours with the amp, but those are the quick first impressions.

Also, as another update, I ended up with using the KR PX25 Anni tubes in the GG3 Lampi DAC, to go along with the NOS WE 274A tube (use it with an adapter). As compared to the stock 45’s (which in retrospect and having tried a few different tube setups are the worst I’ve heard), and comparing to new WE 300B the PX25’s are clearly better in every way than the 45’s and maybe only lack a touch of tube magic/warmth on the 300Bs, but improve on dynamics, sound stage and bass considerably.

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This is very interesting that you were able to replace the GM tubes. I did not know that you could. I have an older version of the NAT Magma new amps that uses the Eimac 450TH. Do you know if I would be able to use the 450TL instead? They seem to be very similar in spec
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Welcome to WBF, Xofan!
So I had a chance to listen to Karan Acoustics Master Collection PowerA monos, along with the LineA preamp and separate PSU, on a system comprising of a Melco streamer, an older MSB DAC and Focal Stella Utopia Evo speakers.

God help me, upon returning home, I fired up the system and bathed my ears in the sweet sweet sound of tubes!

I never thought I’d be in the “tube nut” camp, but, I mean, let’s face it, aside from my streamer and speakers, every piece of my equipment has tubes in it.

That is not to say of course that the Karan electronics and Focal didn’t play well — they did, but it was just … lifeless … lacking texture, that sparkle in the highs. Dare I say … too solid state?

After a while my ears acclimated to the sound, but the first impression upon hearing the system was one of disbelief at the absence of tonal richness.

If we were to deconstruct its sound signature, one could not fault it for any individual facet (there is loads of control, instrument separation and punchy bass), but as a whole… it … just … lacked … tubes.

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So I had a chance to listen to Karan Acoustics Master Collection PowerA monos, along with the LineA preamp and separate PSU, on a system comprising of a Melco streamer, an older MSB DAC and Focal Stella Utopia Evo speakers.

God help me, upon returning home, I fired up the system and bathed my ears in the sweet sweet sound of tubes!

I never thought I’d be in the “tube nut” camp, but, I mean, let’s face it, aside from my streamer and speakers, every piece of my equipment has tubes in it.

That is not to say of course that the Karan electronics and Focal didn’t play well — they did, but it was just … lifeless … lacking texture, that sparkle in the highs. Dare I say … too solid state?

After a while my ears have acclimated to the sound, but the first impression upon hearing the system was one of disbelief at the absence of tonal richness.

If we were to deconstruct the sound of that system, one could not fault it for any individual facet (there is loads of control, instrument separation and punchy bass), but as a whole… it … just … lacked … tubes.

Know how you feel. Every time I go to my friends with his Plinius amp, I feel like you describe…and the rest of his system has tubes! Even just an SS amp is enough for me to go, “no thx”.

Another friend had Nagra 845 monos but sold them because of an unsolvable hum issue. He got an Accuphase A70 to substitute. He says it’s ok but he is missing the Nagras already.
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Know how you feel. Every time I go to my friends with his Plinius amp, I feel like you describe…and the rest of his system has tubes! Even just an SS amp is enough for me to go, “no thx”.

Another friend had Nagra 845 monos but sold them because of an unsolvable hum issue. He got an Accuphase A70 to substitute. He says it’s ok but he is missing the Nagras already.
It’s crazy, I always thought, yeah, I like tubes, but it’s not like I couldn’t live with top notch solid state. But after spending a few years now with tube power amps, along with the rest of the gear, I am beginning to think I would have real issues going back to solid state.

It’s not a matter of “camps” and “sound dogma” — to me it’s starting to feel like having to go back to some crazy ”almond butter” substitute instead of enjoying the real thing. I wonder at this point in my audiophile life if I’d be inclined to consider solid state again (without a single tube in the signal path).
It’s crazy, I always thought, yeah, I like tubes, but it’s not like I couldn’t live with top notch solid state. But after spending a few years now with tube power amps, along with the rest of the gear, I am beginning to think I would have real issues going back to solid state.

It’s not a matter of “camps” and “sound dogma” — to me it’s starting to feel like having to go back to some crazy ”almond butter” substitute instead of enjoying the real thing. I wonder at this point in my audiophile life if I’d be inclined to consider solid state again (without a single tube in the signal path).
Yes, for me it is the relative absence of what your hearing is synthesic that drew me to tubes, and SET more specifically for the amps.
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There is some magic in tubes... That seductive sound is free of any harshness and/or edginess. Being exposed to both, SS and tube gear daily, I agree with you. The only thing I miss with tubes is that control in the lowest registers.
I do like combos of Tubes and SS like ARC preamps and PASS class A power amps because there I get the best of both worlds.
I remember visiting a few guys back in the early 2000s with some early works of both, Karan and NAT power amps... I don't remember the sound but I very well remember that emotion and experience I had... NAT PP monos with 845/211 with JM LAB Grand Utopias... breathtaking...
KARANs mono and pre on some Huge Dynaudio DIYs... I was blown away ... a Youngster in his early 20s exposed to some serious gear at that time.
for that tonal richness and lushness, there is nothing that can come close to tubes
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This is probably the happiest I’ve been with the sound of my system in a long, long time. It’s been a struggle for years to tame the slightly aggressive overtones of the Accuton drivers and yet retain that magic sparkle and the incredible microdetails that make it so special.

I’ve recently substituted the Jorma Prime cables with NAT’s totl power cords to go along with their speaker cables and the rest of the signal cables.

This is a highly subjective sport mind you and there are no right and wrong answers — only different tastes — when objective qualities are met.

I am where I wanted to be with this system when I fired up the first Marten Mingus Quintet in this room many years ago.

PS Oh and I just realized the drier machine is running in the background of this recording. Let’s call this one “the uncut version” :)
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"This is a highly subjective sport mind you and there are no right and wrong answers — only different tastes — when objective qualities are met."
You couldn't be more right, Uros!
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So a quick post to share my latest exploits with this DAC. For the most part I’ve been using my preamp with it, but here we come at an impasse — do we follow the audiophile road or simply focus on the listening to good music?

In essence, us audiophiles — being high brow and quite dogmatic at times — will claim that any preamp (especially of the tube kind) will add “body”, ”sparkle”— or whatever else attribute we may associate with the signal going through usually 20 or more kilos of electronics to reach the power amp. Granted, there is something there to this theory, as, doing some sort of comparative listening we will immediately flock to what we consider a more “audiophile“ sound.

But that will in turn limit or to use a harsher term imprison us into seeking the reinforcement of this decision by listening to the same fragments of the same several test tracks. And this is where the music stops and OCD insanity ensues.

Let‘s consider the alternative for a second.

By going directly from Horizon to the power amps, Horizon being a top notch product, it’s realistic to assume the degradation of the sound through attenuation of the signal is well beyond our ability to discern it. On the upside, there is unquestionably a better signal to noise ratio when using the DAC directly.

So what does this do? While some may argue that it sucks out some life from the music (what I assume is the pleasant aspects of the added distortion from the preamp), it also makes the imaging better (better S/N), it makes my speakers disappear in space (again S/N), and it makes the music less fatiguing (and there is no doubt here in my mind whatsoever).

What have been the effects of this so far? Everyone in my house is comfortable with my music now. I don’t torture the household with the same tracks in my OCD ritual. I actively seek out cool music that feels good to listen to. I play it at a lower volume (again better S/N) and the hi fi system is playing a more inclusive role than it’s ever had in la casa del Thundersnow.
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So a quick post to share my latest exploits with this DAC. For the most part I’ve been using my preamp with it, but here we come at an impasse — do we follow the audiophile road or simply focus on the listening to good music?

In essence, us audiophiles — being high brow and quite dogmatic at times — will claim that any preamp (especially of the tube kind) will add “body”, ”sparkle”— or whatever else attribute we may associate with the signal going through usually 20 or more kilos of electronics to reach the power amp. Granted, there is something there to this theory, as, doing some sort of comparative listening we will immediately flock to what we consider a more “audiophile“ sound.

But that will in turn limit or to use a harsher term imprison us into seeking the reinforcement of this decision by listening to the same fragments of the same several test tracks. And this is where the music stops and OCD insanity ensues.

Let‘s consider the alternative for a second.

By going directly from Horizon to the power amps, Horizon being a top notch product, it’s realistic to assume the degradation of the sound through attenuation of the signal is well beyond our ability to discern it. On the upside, there is unquestionably a better signal to noise ratio when using the DAC directly.

So what does this do? While some may argue that it sucks out some life from the music (what I assume is the pleasant aspects of the added distortion from the preamp), it also makes the imaging better (better S/N), it makes my speakers disappear in space (again S/N), and it makes the music less fatiguing (and there is no doubt here in my mind whatsoever).

What have been the effects of this so far? Everyone in my house is comfortable with my music now. I don’t torture the household with the same tracks in my OCD ritual. I actively seek out cool music that feels good to listen to. I play it at a lower volume (again better S/N) and the hi fi system is playing a more inclusive role than it’s ever had in la casa del Thundersnow.
Which preamp went bye bye?
Which preamp went bye bye?
I use the NAT preamp and as such it is indispensable for my analogue sources. But being that I’m all digital these days as I await the move to my new home, it’s currently “benched” shall we say :)
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I go direct from Horizon as well, for all the same reasons. Couldn’t agree more!
If the horizon output voltage and output impedance, and amp input sensitivity and amp input impedance match, I don't see why not trying listening directly.
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If the horizon output voltage and output impedance, and amp input sensitivity and amp input impedance match, I don't see why not trying listening directly.
Looks like horizon is 600 Ohms. My monos are 20k ohms. I’m no expert on such details. Sounds great though.
If the horizon output voltage and output impedance, and amp input sensitivity and amp input impedance match, I don't see why not trying listening directly.
You are right. And yes, they seem to be a very good match. Probably within standards on both ends so all good.
You are right. And yes, they seem to be a very good match. Probably within standards on both ends so all good.
If that were the case, I'd dive right in without a second thought. At the very least, you'd have quenched your curiosity.
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Hey all! News at the casa di Thundersnow hi fi!

In preparation for my move to the new space, I was looking for an all-around solution for power/grounding. After listening to Shunyata Everest at my buddy’s place, I was impressed with what I heard so I pulled the trigger and thanks to @Golum and Florian got my mitts on a Shunyata Everest and their Omega XC cable.

It’s been about a week of critical listening now and all I can say is I am absolutely stoked about buying this power distributor. I plug all of my equipment including the power amps into it. First and foremost, the sound hasn’t lost any of its finesse or the life it brings to the music. If anything, and along with the dynamics, Shunyata has kicked things into another gear.

The icing on the cake was grounding all of my equipment chasis to the Everest as well.

As a power distributer/filter only, Everest to my ears does not color the tone in any way, but it does add a certain very, very pleasing harmonic richness to the tones. I would compare it to having the even harmonics of my tube gear going into overdrive with whatever is that magic in the highs and mids that the tubes bring. Though I never was a huge fan of the term “blacker background”, having tried numerous different power distribution solutions (Ansuz, PS Audio, Audience, AudioQuest, McIntosh isolation transformer… you name it), this effect is most pronounced with the Shunyata Everest — at least in my system and my setup.

Compared to for example, the Ansuz DTC distributor and the DTC2 power cord, which I own, you could say that both the Everest and the Ansuz DTC do their job, but Ansuz does it at the expense of diminished dynamics (especially with the monos plugged into it) and this somewhat unfortunate hint of artificial overtones, which I suspect are due to the active components it utilizes.

I heard none of that with Everest. In short, it emphasizes all the good aspects of the system at the expense of virtually nothing.

Finally, once I’ve set up chasis grounding to go along with the power filtering (made my own grounding cables), the sound got freed up of almost any remaining faint hints of digital harshness. It became more analogue, with more presence and realism in the tone. Easily heard on “organic” instruments like, say, leather skin drums and similar such instruments. Nylon guitar strings sound like nylon, etc.

I am currently very tempted to acquire Shunyata’s standalone grounding solutions as well. We’ll see…

the Shunyata’s Everest Turned out to be most surprising & delight in my Setup,
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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