The members over at AVShowroomsforum seem so agreeable. On one level, that is refreshing. System discussions, turntable photo threads, new equipment info, music threads, all of these seem like nice, friendly, informative threads. But I wonder if the members over there really respect the over the top hyperbole of that Kronos review. No questions about direct comparisons with such absolute statements of best in the world. Really? In their efforts to be so friendly, do they avoid any and all critical comments?
I've poked around on the AVShowrooms Forums, and indeed, they offer a lot of information about--and praise of--new products. I've also watched some of Mr. Breuninger's video reviews, which lead me to believe that Mr. Breuninger has never been less than effusive in his praise of new products. I can think of nothing wrong with offering a continuous stream of praise of new and expensive products, which might happen to be well-engineered audio devices. I do not allege that Mr. Breuninger or the AVShowrooms Forums members are praising products in bad faith.
I'm surprised the Mr. Breuninger would ban RonR, but Mr. Breuninger seems so loath to offer criticism that perhaps we should not be surprised that he cannot accept any criticism of his work. Here's a little more criticism that I hope Mr. Breuninger takes to heart because I hope he decides to make genuine contributions to the audio arts, as the great HP called this hobby.
Most of us on WBF seem to be seeking a stronger connection to the music. As our different tastes in gear demonstrate (
compare, e.g., the tastes of Mike Lavigne to those of Phelonious Ponk), we're taking different approaches in pursuit of a common goal, yet we still gather on this forum to share information and our reactions to different pieces of gear. Some of us enjoy this hobby the most when people question our beliefs about gear (
see, e.g., the
thread on the BACCH-SP, a thread on which I greatly enjoyed posting and on which, I maintain, I was not guilty of audio hyperbole). I participate on WBF because these discussions can move the audio arts forward by helping us realize which differences are real and which are imagined. Measurements can help, too (
see, e.g., the
outstanding Jitterbug/Regen thread).
Unquestioned praise of new and expensive stuff, while perhaps fun, does not advance the audio arts. Fetishizing gear is wonderful for manufacturers, and might have the positive effect of generating demand for high-end audio gear among people who don't care about music and thereby reducing the incremental costs of good equipment.
However, gear lust is only tangentially related to the audio arts because it has nothing to do with music. Caressing a turntable with white gloves or playing the same audiophile record of dubious artistic quality 50 times might impress someone, but it has nothing to do with the hobby that I know.
I will not be participating in the AVShowrooms Forums.