Ron,I agree with Ted here. This hobby seems more contentious than the average hobby.
As one example I've read on-line off-roading forums where the registrants have in their signatures long list of specialty parts they've added to their SUVs -- like we have for audio components. They have strong discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of vehicles and parts. But I don't sense the level of self-righteousness or arrogance or misplaced ego I see from some audiophiles.
Do people on on-line off-roading forums have their egos wrapped up in their opinions about which shock absorber is "best"? I never sensed a religious zeal about preferences over electric winches.
While I agree that audiophiles sit at the top of the hierarchy in this regard, many other hobbies also inspire a near-religious zeal about personal preferences. Enthusiasts in photography, horology, cooking, coffee, wine & whisky, fitness, cycling, writing instruments, and even gun shooting often develop strong opinions, sometimes to the point of believing their way is the only right way.
Certain hobbies naturally attract people with deeply held preferences, leading to debates and divisions over what is considered “correct”.