the WBF forum was started by audiophiles, for audiophiles. it started mainly as a break-off from AVS.
ownership has evolved here and there. both the actual persons, and what they are doing. as far as the business part, i can't really comment exactly, not my area to worry about. from the beginning we did identify the charter members, but other aspects of recognition have evolved....stuff added here and there. and how various members of the industry are recognized and such.
i read these comments as tongue-in-cheek.
re-boot our history and make everyone the same? as if these last 13-14 years never happened? maybe also erase all the past posts too? i guess that is what some in any environment might like. so then we are more happy? because..............????
i think the weight of our past does add value. lots of energy and good times had by many. lots of people investing. recognition is evidence. but it's never going to be exactly fair or scientific. but there is some legacy here worth appreciating.
when we consider the alternative we seem to carry on just fine.