People are still buying shellac disks! and they will buy these for several decades.Vinyl is gone and done except for the few of us who continue to buy them and some other people who will also buy them for decades to come, perhaps century as the main medium..Let's compare the ratio of Artists that will release their albums on shellac or even R2R or Vinyl in next 5 years as compared to Digital means by that I mean CD or downloads

? Would you debate that?... For the record I showed you some people still buy Silver-based film .. Would you say they're not gone? Ask Nikon how many TOL DSLR they sell with respect to their film based SLR ? Does Canon even care to make a film-based SLR anymore or Olympus? .. Perhaps they've one odd model but not 3 different models. We see what we want. Things are what they are.. There is no escaping the facts that physical media are on their way out.