Hi Metaphacts,
I hope you had an excellent Thanksgiving! I have not heard your strategic analysis of why Wilson audio has won so many of those RMAF RHIPA awards, but here's a differing perspective. (Also discussed here: https://whatsbestforum.com/threads/bunch-of-audio-“experts”-select-their-best-products-fun-what-do-you-think.21666/)
The reason you won those awards is not because you are best. Certainly you are very, very good for what you do, but this is a subjective hobby.
High end audio products are "experience goods". I know the feelings of our measurement members and friends will be hurt, but measuring gear doesn't provide an answer of what's best or better; you can test it in a lab all you want like you can with a vacuum cleaner or a washer, but that evaluation effort will be meaningless. This is because, all gear manufacturers despite manufacturing products, in effect, provide an experience.
What this means is that audio fans can't know in advance if the experience audio manufacturers are selling is the one they will enjoy. Many of us have been so disappointed by spending our precious time and money, traveling or putting into our system, or god-forbid - buying, these over-hyped products.
Thus audio journalists and online chatter from fans is much more relevant in marketing high end audio. There are few, if any, objective claims to audio excellence, and audio fans disagree on what's good, as we all know too well. So consumer choices reflect tastes, not verifiable or justified differences in quality of the experience!
The Wilson sonic signature has been around for a long time. Your finishes are excellent. The workmanship is outstanding. Most people are excellent (except for that Snooty Peter McGrath). There is a strong support network.
Coming back to the awards, the "audio journalists" who voted for Wilson audio share your taste. Their readers like your taste, and it gets reinforced by the "audio journalists". And people online chat about what they like, which is echoed by other fans (social proof).
So those guys’ collection of past experiences with Wilson provides a context, a lens, and a background to evaluate all else via Wilson.
Yet if reviewers who prefer the Magico sonic signature such as valin (although the great Yoda has awakened and has now positively reviewed a Voxativ and has hinted that the Magnepan 30.7 is better than the Magico M3!), Hartley, Astor, and Fritz were participating instead of the wilson reviewers like Jason Victor Serinunios, Atkinson, Fremer, Ken Kessler, Roy "Stop rambling on and on, and say it! Get to the FUKKING point already!) Gregory, Magico would have swept all of the categories, including the cheapest category for their new a3! (And guys like Herb Reichert , Steve Gutenberg, Art Dudley, and sometimes, the Stupendously Talented Jonathan valin prefer something else altogether.)
Coke cola is also very popular and tastes great. But is it the best?
Don't celebrate too hard. Keep improving your designs slowly but surely. Tastes are pretty crystallized...If you make any radical changes to your sonic signature, you will lose customers. The next Magico S class model, or someone else, which will have many virtues of Magico and Wilson, will come around and eat your lunch...
Happy Thanksgiving Caesar!
I'll leave the tilting at windmills and building of strawmen to you. You are much more skilled at them than I could ever be.