The biggest impact on our sound is the room the speakers are in and its acoustics. It has been the biggest improvement in my system. No gear, cables, or conditioner of any type has done more than getting good room acoustics that allow your speakers and gear to perform as they were designed to. I got zip-against conditioners, and I owned several. Today, I do not need them, and I am hearing more detail, better imaging, better balance, better punch, and much better midbass and overall a better natural musical system, and the only thing I upgraded was my room and its acoustics. Spend $5,000 on your room instead of a power conditioner. I drank the kool-aide on conditioners for over 20 years of always having one, believing they were a must for a good system ( because magazines say they were a must) Good marketing, but now I realize on much your room impacts the sound we hear and going further why we pick the gear we have is how it sounded in that audio room. My room is now quiet, to where I can hear when I record was used on a CD for older music and you can hear the noise clearly from the vinyl discs used, players' chairs moving, and even sheets of music pages being flipped during a classical music piece on one recording that I never heard before. Room matters as much as good gear or good speakers.