Well, Vienna, Budapest, Prague are all on my bucket list. Anybody have an ice cream in Prague?
Well, Vienna, Budapest, Prague are all on my bucket list. Anybody have an ice cream in Prague?
The similarities in the above posted video to a most recent exit post are amazing. Great post!!
While I don't agree with Peter's method of leaving, I understand the motivation.
A reviewer needs an extremely thick skin, but even then some barbs burrow deep. Taken individually, we audiophiles are generally a friendly, fair-minded, level-headed lot, albeit with tendency toward exactitude. As a collective, however, we can exhibit four-M behaviour: Malcontented Middle-Aged Male Misanthropes. That tendency toward exactitude swiftly turns captious and judgmental, especially when hiding behind a keyboard.
For my own part, there are a number of 'off limits' forums that I refuse to visit, because I don't think I deserve to die in a fire simply for holding down my job. Worse, in such places, you have no comeback, no right to object publicly. You are at best court jester, but more often a convenient combination of whipping boy and prick magnet.
Psychologically speaking, there is only so much of this a person can take before you either skulk off, storm out, or suck a tailpipe. How much one can take varies, but if Peter's departure is angry and bitter, perhaps it is time to reflect why he should feel so angry and bitter to effectively suicide himself like this.
There does seem to have been something of a change in direction here. This was a friendly forum of high-end debate and discussion, but now it seems to be increasingly littered with agenda-filled ranting. If the forum continues down this all-too-predictable story arc, it will end with four people holding two conflicting and extremely polarised views arguing with one another at every juncture. This is at first entertaining, but ultimately extremely frustrating for other members and it lets the air out of the tyres of the forum. Eventually, even the combatants tire of the combat, or more accurately move on to another forum with a bigger audience and do the same thing again, like a plague of locusts.
Exactly the kind of behavior we've come to expect daily from the inmates at Audio Asylum. Let's all pile on Peter. You all should be ashamed of your posts as should Amir who carried on endlessly in that still ongoing thread and was the straw that broke the camel's back. To what point? To be the last one to post and win??? Sorry in my book, that was conduct unbecoming one of the co-founders of the forum (as I've been reminded on occasion) and should have been taken offline early on. At one time there was more of a community here who might have thought - save for a handful here in this thread - for more than a second about what might have upset Peter so much to leave. That's apparently is not the case as the Wild, Wild West of the Internet has apparently sadly too taken over WBF and the negativity factor here is off the charts.
And let me pre-empt the usual rebuttals. Yes I'm actually proud to call myself Peter's friend. He selflessly promotes the industry's image and there's no one that works harder. If you don't think so, try editing 60 or more videos after a show, reviews and running the site. But make no mistake: I am not Peter even though I write for him -as well as PF-as well as many other mags in the past. No this is about the corruption of the founder's intent and what has caused many others to leave who would have really contributed to this forum. I think some people should give real pause to their responses.
Let me finish wish a note that I received from someone who long ago left this board after being similarly bullied like Peter and was astonished by the treatment Peter received.
I feel bad for the guy. For all he's done for the hobby and to be bullied and treated like that? I like Peter and his thoughts and opinions. And who has been to more shows in the past 5 years? Who has advanced the hobby with AMAZING video coverage? VIDEO being the key word. He takes us on his journey to every show. I watch and listen to all his videos. Show reports are always great too.
Oh, and send him a PM asking his opinion on X speakers or amps and you ALWAYS get a response.
..damn, we had nearly turned the corner..sigh![]()
Guilt by association? Really?
That Peter suicided himself here is not in question. That he did so in an infantile manner is neither acceptable or forgivable. That he did this on the back of some high-handed and ill-conceived posts only makes matters worse.
And yet, that it elicits a similarly childish response is beneath a forum of the supposed quality of WBF. Whatever happened to "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it?" and why did it get replaced by "ooh, an angry mob, I'll just get my pitchfork!"
Great ice cream in Prague or not, Prague would get my vote for the most beautiful city that I know. Other favorites, though not necessarily only because of beauty, would be Amsterdam, Assisi, Berlin, NYC and San Francisco. Oh, and throw Budapest and Brugge into the bunch as well.
Great ice cream in Prague or not, Prague would get my vote for the most beautiful city that I know. Other favorites, though not necessarily only because of beauty, would be Amsterdam, Assisi, Berlin, NYC and San Francisco. Oh, and throw Budapest and Brugge into the bunch as well.
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