It's time to go, see ya later.

Yes indeed. Why do the site admins allow this to continue ?

I think the membership will end it on its own when they are ready.
Guilt by association? Really?

That Peter suicided himself here is not in question. That he did so in an infantile manner is neither acceptable or forgivable. That he did this on the back of some high-handed and ill-conceived posts only makes matters worse.

And yet, that it elicits a similarly childish response is beneath a forum of the supposed quality of WBF. Whatever happened to "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it?" and why did it get replaced by "ooh, an angry mob, I'll just get my pitchfork!"

I would only add that some people are gleefully getting their pitchfork as they are piling on with past anecdotes to try and further discredit Peter. I would like to think that many people are aware that there is a fine line between being a hero and being an as*hole. Think about this for a minute: If you ran into a burning house and saved a family that was asleep and led everyone to safety and the event was shown on the national news, how many people who claim to know you would say that they always knew you were a good person and they weren't surprised at your bravery? Now think about what those same people would say if you were arrested for drunk driving and causing a fatality. How many would say they always knew you were a no good SOB and the only thing that surprised them was that you hadn't killed more people before this tragic event? One only has to read the responses on this thread to see there would be some people who would only be too happy to be in the latter category of people who claimed to know you.
Now think about what those same people would say if you were arrested for drunk driving and causing a fatality.

Now think about what those same people would say if you were arrested for drunk driving and causing a fatality like twenty times in one month - repeat multiple offences
You should be specific Myles as I am getting questions about this so I will give my data. There is absolutely no other side to this story from our vantage point. I have not argued with Peter on any thread here. I don't even remember the last time I exchanged any posts with him. The only communication I had with Peter was a PM he sent me when the other thread was running asking me to sanction a member. I explained to him that I could not do that because he was doing the same, and that as industry person, it is more his responsibility to take the high road than any other member. He wrote me a nice answer back saying he will do that. That has been it.

FYI, we were asked to close his other thread but we chose to trust the membership to guide it well and they did, ending on a sweet note, discussing ice cream. :).

So it is clear, I find Peter very personable, and one of the more cordial members of high-end audiophile people. I also find his videos educational in the way he lets industry people speak to us first hand. They are not reviews, or investigative reporting but nevertheless useful to me and I hope to the membership.

In this type of landscape, I have no explanation or justification for his actions. They are completely inconsistent with my views of him, even now. If there is another side to the story Myles, you and he know it, but not me. If he was fed up with my graphs and such, he could have reached out to me. Or Steve. Nothing like this happened. I wake up one morning and see this thread.

Everyone now has our side of the story. If there is more to it, it is among you guys, not us.

The reference had nothing to do with you Amir. You've made your position perfectly clear.
I would only add that some people are gleefully getting their pitchfork as they are piling on with past anecdotes to try and further discredit Peter. I would like to think that many people are aware that there is a fine line between being a hero and being an as*hole. Think about this for a minute: If you ran into a burning house and saved a family that was asleep and led everyone to safety and the event was shown on the national news, how many people who claim to know you would say that they always knew you were a good person and they weren't surprised at your bravery? Now think about what those same people would say if you were arrested for drunk driving and causing a fatality. How many would say they always knew you were a no good SOB and the only thing that surprised them was that you hadn't killed more people before this tragic event? One only has to read the responses on this thread to see there would be some people who would only be too happy to be in the latter category of people who claimed to know you.

As well as those who live next door to a terrorist and post-arrest are quoted as saying gee they seemed like such a nice person.
So I hope this thread doesn't divulge into more axe grinding arguments causing other valuable members to leave, which would be a shame.

I agree, but sometimes when the mob has assembled with their pitchforks and get a taste of blood, they are not content to stop there. We will see.
I have allowed Amir's arguments to bother me in the past but the truth is when you are talking Harman testing you are talking sense. Amir was wise when he chose the product lines he carries because he can fall back on science to make his points as well as his pitch.

Peter B's appeal to authority rely on self-proclaimed expert status. But I have seen him extol the virtues of a marble power strip and I can deduce that he does not have as much science backing him up as Harman offers Amir

..thanks for the segue audioguy...I'm not trying to stir the pot or prolong this agonizing thread but out of curiosity what are PB's academic credentials? I am a registered PE with a BSEE and even though I've been at it for over 45 years I would never self-describe myself as an "expert" even though I might possibly be one. I can't help but wonder what sort of degree(s) he holds that allows him to self describe as an audio "expert"..

On second thought really makes no difference. Let's talk about ice cream. My favorite is Graeter's in Cincy!
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Myles - You've always impressed me as a man of the highest integrity, and I have to respect your effort to defend your friend. Now, trying to move on... I noticed your avatar posting the speed limit of 33 1/3, what about all those fine 45 RPM releases? I assume that you must have some excellent examples in your collection. Louis Armstrong's 45 RPM version of St. James Infirmary is a stunning example, that I first heard at an audio show many years ago when Jeff Joseph from Joseph Audio was playing it to demo his fine Pearl speakers. I'd be curious to know some of your favorites if you'd care to share them here. TIA!
..thanks for the segue audioguy...I'm not trying to stir the pot or prolong this agonizing thread but out of curiosity what are PB's academic credentials? I am a registered PE with a BSEE and even though I've been at it for over 45 years I would never self-describe myself as an "expert" even though I might possibly be one. I can't help but wonder what sort of degree(s) he holds that allows him to self describe as an audio "expert"..

On second thought really makes no difference. Let's talk about ice cream. My favorite is Graeter's in Cincy!

I have known Peter personally for a long time, but I will not get into any stories or opinions or anything else about him personally. But, I will say he has a BS from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and had a long career in banking and investments. Obviously, that does not qualify him uniquely to be an audio critic. But, it does not disqualify him, either. He has had an interest in audio and music since his childhood, like many others of us, even like many others who went on to found and develop audio manufacturing companies without technical credentials. He is very entrepreneurial and enthusiastic especially about this his hobby, and he has parlayed that through several significant steps at Stereophile and TAS into his current status as founder of AVshowrooms. No doubt, I am leaving out some low points, but I will not go there. And, these recent threads he started are among those low points, in my opinion.

I do like Graeter's very much, especially the double chocolate chip, which my local Whole Foods carries. But, it pales by comparison to Philadelphia's own Bassett's double chocolate chip, which is simply the best ice cream on the planet. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for my waistline, my Whole Foods no longer carries that. My daughter who now lives outside Cinncinnati agrees completely.
Lord I love Bassetts at the Reading Terminal Market in Center City Philadelphia. However, it does have quite the rival out here in the burbs, namely Handel's in Berwyn. Their chocolate raspberry truffle is sublime!
I have known Peter personally for a long time, but I will not get into any stories or opinions or anything else about him personally. But, I will say he has a BS from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and had a long career in banking and investments. Obviously, that does not qualify him uniquely to be an audio critic. But, it does not disqualify him, either. He has had an interest in audio and music since his childhood, like many others of us, even like many others who went on to found and develop audio manufacturing companies without technical credentials. He is very entrepreneurial and enthusiastic especially about this his hobby, and he has parlayed that through several significant steps at Stereophile and TAS into his current status as founder of AVshowrooms. No doubt, I am leaving out some low points, but I will not go there. And, these recent threads he started are among those low points, in my opinion.

I do like Graeter's very much, especially the double chocolate chip, which my local Whole Foods carries. But, it pales by comparison to Philadelphia's own Bassett's double chocolate chip, which is simply the best ice cream on the planet. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for my waistline, my Whole Foods no longer carries that. My daughter who now lives outside Cinncinnati agrees completely.

Lord I love Bassetts at the Reading Terminal Market in Center City Philadelphia. However, it does have quite the rival out here in the burbs, namely Handel's in Berwyn. Their chocolate raspberry truffle is sublime!

I'm just thankful the convenience store next door has both Haagen Dazs and B&J. But since we're talking about ice cream in Philadelphia, did you know that National Geographic said Capogiro has the best Ice Cream in the world (even if it is classified as Gelato)?
I am not an ice cream expert, although my waistline would suggest so.. my taste is simple and cheap

I'm just thankful the convenience store next door has both Haagen Dazs and B&J. But since we're talking about ice cream in Philadelphia, did you know that National Geographic said Capogiro has the best Ice Cream in the world (even if it is classified as Gelatto)?

I have had Capogiro, and it is good, but they are wrong. I can get that any day of the week. Bassett's is THE best. I understand that it is hot, hot in China, among other overseas markets. Unless, that is, the wonderful, all-knowing, Congress of these United States decides to kill the Ex-Im Bank, which is vitally important to small companies like Bassetts's.
I know this isn't Facebook, plus I would strongly prefer to discuss ice cream (more importantly I plan to stock up on some flavors to discuss late) I nonetheless want to make sure anyone who has not seen the following skit gets a chance to do so. Because when someone creates posts expressing sentiments that have been so thoroughly and profesionally lampooned, it speaks for itself. This thread and the events that led up to it remind me of this:

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