It's time to go, see ya later.

Myles, it was Peter how brought all of this on himself. He posted an obnoxious post calling people who disagreed with him cowards. He then couldn't leave "well enough" alone and then went into the "I have special knowledge" route and then the wheat vs. chaff nonsense. All because someone posted that they didn't like the sound of a room in Newport after they stuck their head in for 15 minutes? All through that thread, he acted like an impetuous child. He fully deserved what he got. He has now pulled the ultimate impetuous child act and has taken his ball and has gone home. I am not sure how you can defend this behavior. I have known Peter since the 1980's. There is no doubt that he has passion for this hobby. That passion does not excuse his behavior here. I would have thought the best approach he could have made here was to do a post apologizing for his behavior. after thinking about this and presumably counsel from you and Terry, we get this. I am really surprised. And that is saying something. I guess I will have to add wanker to the chaff t shirt.

Yes and speaking of agendas.
Instead of blaming the rest of the forum and continuing to defend the indefensible, which is Peter's behavior, perhaps you could privately, as a friend, admonish him to stop being a total jerk. This would be much more productive, Myles.

Let thee who is without sin cast the first stone.
Who still supports him, seriously? (Shrug.) I can name one or two persons perhaps, others have fallen silent, as they should.

think it's a non-issue at this point.

And who responded was entirely predictable too.

There's lot's of agendas as Mark noted.
I have read every single post, opinion with the utmost respect, ...from all good/intelligent people.

I feel sad; everyone has "good magic" to contribute, no exception. ...And I miss DaveyF, very. ...And many other great people; professionals, musicians, artists, poets, philosophers, audiophiles, ...their names are in my spirit, always...

Hi Bob...I'm glad you jumped in here as I too miss the participation of DaveyF and Andre Marc. However, I missed your participation too when you were banned. And you were banned, weren't you? Maybe because you weren't an Insider, Reviewer, Expert and have tremendously deep pockets that it was easy to dismiss you.
Seriously, you think one can get over the addiction of a forum? He will be reading all this one way or the other

Sure he will. If he wants to join again he could start by issuing a serious apology for his past unacceptable behavior that cannot be defended by anyone, not even those in his closest circle. Only then will he be welcome again.
Yes and speaking of agendas.

Your point? I read Joe Whip's post, and I do not see evidence of an agenda there. It seems perfectly reasonable to me. Methinks you are trying to manufacture something in support of your own agenda, which is to support PeterB against all detractors. Why bother? He is gone by his own choosing.
Sure he will. If he wants to join again he could start by issuing a serious apology for his past unacceptable behavior that cannot be defended by anyone, not even those in his closest circle. Only then will he be welcome again.

I can say authoritively that hell will freeze over first so you need not worry.
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Let thee who is without sin cast the first stone.

Myles: I am curious. Are you really OK with Peter's name calling, labeling and exit speech? You said you and he are friends, but do you not see his approach just a tad over the top.? While I would agree that "stone throwing" occurs on both sides, I have never read anything quite like Peter's remarks.

Just wondering.
Your point? I read Joe Whip's post, and I do not see evidence of an agenda there. It seems perfectly reasonable to me. Methinks you are trying to manufacture something in support of your own agenda, which is to support PeterB against all detractors. Why bother? He is gone by his own choosing.

Really? So there's no conspiracy but there is a conspiracy. But you have no knowledge of either. As they say, there are always two sides to a story.
Sure he will. If he wants to join again he could start by issuing a serious apology for his past unacceptable behavior that cannot be defended by anyone, not even those in his closest circle. Only then will he be welcome again.

As far as him, Myles, and Harley are concerned, he doesn't need to apologize to wankers. He is the victim of you, Amir, Joe Whip, etc, you see
As far as him, Myles, and Harley are concerned, he doesn't need to apologize to wankers. He is the victim of you, Amir, Joe Whip, etc, you see

Oh, thanks for the clarification ;)
i dont want to comment on peter or the discussion much , because i missed the whole process , i liked peters videos .

However there certainly is some kind of " elitists thing" that can be said of a part of the high end community, at least overhere , those can be described as having lack of knowledge but a surplus of cash or big agendas , you also have the surplus of knowledge lack of cash group and a group that has both knowledge and cash and a overflow in between the various groups.
As an old saying "million friends aren't enough, one enemy is too many"

Digital makes you calm, Analog makes you calmer. Let's spin some discs and records and put all of this behind us. :D
Great advice for Mr. Breuninger. Are you planning to suggest this novel approach to dealing with forums to him?

I was thinking it applied to all responders. I'm sure everyone has been called something worse than a wanker. Or if that's the worse thing you have been called, consider yourself lucky.
Really? So there's no conspiracy but there is a conspiracy. But you have no knowledge of either. As they say, there are always two sides to a story.

Well, we have heard PeterB's side. Now you and he are hearing the side of many other forum members. Are you saying we all got together secretly to coordinate our opinions and postings, as in a conspiracy? Myles, you are really overreaching in your loyalty to Peter, so much so that it is obvious you are blind to his actual postings and his downright disdain for many here. It's in black and white, man. And, the response you see here is deserved. That you persist in ignoring what PeterB actually said seriously undermines your credibility and objectivity.
I ask everyone who is into high end audio to join me in an exodus off this board of wankers.

You know what I mean. The latest rant from Amirm was the final straw, plus several total wankers over the past three weeks was enough. You know who you are. We are into high end audio and you are not... not graphs from some corporation, not words from some total wankers.

Look me up, I'm public. I promise you the next board will not allow wankers.

So it is written. So it shall be.

See you later, Joe, see you later Armirm.

Have fun without us.

Please remove all reference to AVShowrooms from this board.

Steve, you are invited over ;)

Thank you,

Peter Breuninger

A careful examination of Peter's post indicates that the final straw was not those who questioned his character in the wake of calling people cowards, but Amir's case for the quality of the CRC/Harman research and what it indicated. He's not the only guy around here who turns on people when his thin arguments are answered with data, but he's the only one I know who has called people coward's and wankers and deemed them unworthy of the "high-end," whatever that means.

Peter, it looks like maybe two or three people will follow you, great expert leader of the field that you are. Heck, even most of the people who agree with you dislike your recent behavior, and that is the problem. Disagreement is just par for the course.

Well, we have heard PeterB's side. Now you and he are hearing the side of many other forum members. Are you saying we all got together secretly to coordinate our opinions and postings, as in a conspiracy? Myles, you are really overreaching in your loyalty to Peter, so much so that it is obvious you are blind to his actual postings and his downright disdain for many here. It's in black and white, man. And, the response you see here is deserved. That you persist in ignoring what PeterB actually said seriously undermines your credibility and objectivity.

No I am distressed seeing the direction the forum is heading that lead to Peter's outburst. I know some would like to make believe it's all let's hold hands by the campfire... Most people on this board are in business on some way, shape or form and know that unhappy customers stop doing business without any explanation. Same goes for the board.

Not everything is on the forum and as I said there's always two sides to a story.

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