Please note that I am not able to say anything about Jacon Heilbrun reasons for not comparing the units - I only referred to MY opinions that I will address in this post.
IMHO direct comparisons 99% of the time only show the compatibility of the equipment being tested with systems. As you know I am very critic of such shoot-outs for my personnel use. The be sincere, I think that the listening tests you carried at Mike were very interesting and enjoyable for you, but not very meaningful to your future system at all. You did listen to the amplifiers with a preamplifier that is very different from yours, probably your opinions would be very different if would have used Lamm or Vac preamplfiers - yes, I know Mike disagrees! and your speakers are very different from Mike ones.
May I suggest we should forget about the style and focus on content? Although I am a not native english reader I think I manage to understand pretty well what JH means with his words. Words must be understood inserted in the review that is filled with references to concrete aspects of recordings. Surely any one not appreciating the recordings JH refers will not understand them - as I share most of his musical preferences and recording labels I feel at home with his reviews. Nice to see we agree that he is effective at describing what he is hearing - unfortunately I can not say the same about 90% of the people who write about sound quality. BTW, for me reviews are mostly a source of entertainment and information, not judgment or ranking.
I always need a significantly long time to have an opinion on equipment - and we can see Jacob Heilbrunn is always very careful to identify components that stayed for significant time from those who made occasional stays. His systems are evolutionary, but not changing every month. Just as an example of my views, as I want to listen to the Lamm M1.2 REF in proper conditions according to my bizarre own private rules I am getting a Lamm L2REF next week.
And yes, surely we friendly agree and disagree a lot - this is a subjective hobby on a crazy subject, it can be expected. But IMHO we must focus on the best of it, not in a crusade against those that think differently.
Well, I see direct comparison (something I practiced as a reviewer...even to the point of leveling the output of devices under test to within 1db whenever possible) as one of the most useful tools a reviewer can have. Relying solely on aural memory will not suffice and comparisions, as well as long term listening impressions, will tell the reader more about what can be expected from a given device. For sure, this is context dependent and as a result all review information will be somewhat limited in usefulness but without comparison testing that usefulness is diluted even further.
I don't have an issue with JH's use of unusual vocabulary...this is his right as long as these words are used correctly as a native speaker would use them and not an "approximate" fits because he was trying to look sophisticated. Compared to Srajan on 6 moons he is not particularly pretentious. I do have an issue with what I view as a lack of feeling he is doing sincere reviews and what seems to me like a lack of "meat" to the review. Compare to MF or particularly Martin Colloms or classic HP and it becomes obvious what I mean.