KedarWorld? Is that like an R-rated WestWorld?That is the question in KedarWorld. It was not the question in KeithLand.
KedarWorld? Is that like an R-rated WestWorld?That is the question in KedarWorld. It was not the question in KeithLand.
The ampzilla monos lack resolution in their attempt to be "tubelike". I have found that only hybrid amps can begin to approach from the SS side what a really good tube amp can do. Most hybrids don't get it right either. The fundamental signature of SS is inherent in the devices used (transfer function) and their implementation (ie. a lot of negative feedback...too many devices etc.). BAT was also trying to get "tubelike" sound from their SS amps and got something pleasant, warm and a bit dark...but it wasn't really listen to their VK60, 75 etc. told you this right away. Interestingly, reversing the hybrid can work very well (such as KR Audio and Music Reference also had a hybrid where the output stage was tube). The Music Reference RM200 was a good sounding PP tube amp that could drive very tough loads...something for Keith to think about and won't be expensive if he can find one.
Yeah, ok but that's the part that is really a mystery to me. Why stay dedicated to it if it complicates mating an appropriate amp? He has clearly been listening to Phil that he can match it with any experience with TVCs is that it is not that simple and a good active preamp will drive an amp more appropriately in a lot of circumstances. The results are a lot like what has been described.Except purely as a matter of intellectual curiosity there was no reason to evaluate other preamps when Keith is 100% for sure keeping the Music First.
. . . according to Stereophile, the YG speakers are running about 3 db less sensitive than spec'd. . . .
Nevertheless you are missing the point that the Music First TVC is fixed. Keith is committed to it. There is no evidence that the TVC was the causal factor here, and plenty of evidence it is not. But regardless, there are four fixed points in Keith's system: turntable, DAC, TVC and now YG. An amp has to be selected to slot in, perform its role, and work in that context of associated equipment. He is not trying to optimize the system around an amp. The amp has to be optimum for the TVC and speaker.
I think they were the original ones...this was probably 15 years ago or so. I personally don't think massed tubes sounds very good. If you go push/pull tube better to have just 2 devices per channel (same goes for SS). A big Class AB push/pull triode like the Chinese Jolida Music Envoy (200 watts with 2 x 211 per mono in Class AB1) will almost certainly sound better than a PP amp with a bunch of KT whatevers. It can also drive speakers like the YGs. The Aries Cerat Concero 65s would drive that speaker with ease as well...and its 65 watts of should have heard what the 25 watt baby brother Genus did on a pair of 83db Boenicke W5s...shocking.Bongiorno wasn't attempting to make his final amp sound "tube-like." He was simply designing for his idea of the most musically faithfull amplifier, with a conviction that solid state is his route to it. I agree, hybrids rarely achieve their theoretical synergy. 540w in this case, from massed push-pull tubes are impractical, so for the Hailey in Keith's house, it's going to be SS or nothing. When you formed your opinion of the Ampzilla 2000 were you listening to the original or the "Second Edition?" The 2nd Ed specifically addressed the resolution limits noted even by people who loved the original.
That is interesting, and I consider 3dB less sensitive than specified to be a material difference in sensitivity.
I tend to orient around the electronics, as I find them one of the main contributors to synthetic sound, then go for speakers that fit. Thus SETs and horns...because I have found SETs and good tube preamps and good tube sources to have the least artifice. Then to get the most means high sensitivity speakers.He is trying to optimize for the speaker. I am sure if Keith finds out that Nagra or AR pre with AR or Luxman amp run the YG better than some other more expensive (or less) with the music first, he will eventually replace it. Unless he thinks music first is the world's best preamp and should be the core of his system. It is not difficult to replace it either for someone who can buy a YG Hailey
Yeah, ok but that's the part that is really a mystery to me. Why stay dedicated to it if it complicates mating an appropriate amp? He has clearly been listening to Phil that he can match it with any experience with TVCs is that it is not that simple and a good active preamp will drive an amp more appropriately in a lot of circumstances. The results are a lot like what has been described.
That said, according to Stereophile, the YG speakers are running about 3 db less sensitive than spec'd. Does Keith listen loud?
I tend to orient around the electronics, as I find them one of the main contributors to synthetic sound, then go for speakers that fit. Thus SETs and horns...because I have found SETs and good tube preamps and good tube sources to have the least artifice. Then to get the most means high sensitivity speakers.
I never said to anyone that a TVC can be matched with *any* amp. But it can be matched with many, and certainly with one that will work for Keith. The limiting factor isn't the TVC itself as much as the source device driving the amp via the TVC. But in this case we know the the TVC was not causal to the sonic deficiencies. Anyway, Keith is committed to the TVC for several reasons he can explain himself.
BTW I don't have religion about this. I have a TVC in one system and an active preamp in another. And I have run active preamps in both, and TVCs in both at various times in the past. But I recognize and appreciate the advantages of TVCs.
Yeah, ,this has been more thoroughly embraced in Europe and Asia.There are extremely few sensitivity speakers that are complete sounding at uber level, and almost none of them are commercial at YG level. In US I doubt anything exists at that level in the high sensitivity world today unless the person is in the DIY community
Tell Stereophile to get on it...our Soundstage...I'd love to see this review/measurement that shows a discrepancy in Hailey 2.2's specs.
Tell Stereophile to get on it...our Soundstage...![]()
It was me and I linked the Carmel 2 and Sonja 1.3, which both show a 3db lower sensitivity. You are right that a lot of companies are, shall we say, "optimistic" about their sensitivity (Audio Note being one of the more infamous with about a 6db discrepancy). Go back through this thread and find the links I posted and you will see for yourself...I don't make stuff up.They will get to it. My point is, I don't know of a review/measurements that show this discrepancy. I don't remember who, but a member here clearly stated there is a 3dB difference between the quoted sensitivity and a supposedly measured one by a magazine. And I'd love to see that.
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