Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC

Lol, me too!
We did have a blanket over the TV Thursday but we honestly couldn't percieve much sonic benefit and the aesthetic was ugly as sin!

We opted instead to present a great sounding, package that looks neat and tidy, despite being comprised of large components, in a regular/risk sized domestic living room type setting.
If anyone is looking for either 6SN7s or 6F8Gs for their Horizon send me a PM and I can tell you what I have which I am willing to sell. I will test anything before I would sell it. I don't have any extra 6F8Gs so you would have to buy a pair. There are many available on ebay.
We did have a blanket over the TV Thursday but we honestly couldn't percieve much sonic benefit and the aesthetic was ugly as sin!

We opted instead to present a great sounding, package that looks neat and tidy, despite being comprised of large components, in a regular/risk sized domestic living room type setting.
I was not advocating a blanket. More like a mini curtain, but getting one at short notice was always going to be a problem. Perhaps U need to get a mini detachable curtain for your show arsenal to be deployed in the future as needed.
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On the issue of a need for a preamp i would certainly take his advice over mine
At Steve's we only used one source. Feedback from Horizon owners is welcome on this issue.
I think matching a Horizon to "any " amp" might be overkill. It might be a better idea to move down line to one of the other excellent products. There is nothing wrong, however, in making the Horizon the first step in your upgrade path,should you be so inclined.
Almost identical to me. Perhaps Melz is 3% colder and vt99 is more tube-warm.
One might also say one sounds more wide-band and the other more midrangey - and probably be referring to the same characteristic difference. I personally like tubes that do not draw one’s attention to a part of the spectrum. It’s an effect that’s ultimately going to wear off.

Greetings from Switzerland, David.
We did have a blanket over the TV Thursday but we honestly couldn't percieve much sonic benefit and the aesthetic was ugly as sin!

We opted instead to present a great sounding, package that looks neat and tidy, despite being comprised of large components, in a regular/risk sized domestic living room type setting.
The problem is that you were using the wrong blanket. Here's what you should have used.

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When are you posting the video of Lukasz at the airport in Poland shipping the new units?
I am very appreciative of the Lukasz videos as they are very informative.
Was an external power supply considered, Lukasz? Or were you convinced from the beginning that it was not necessary?
It thought 6f8g is just an alternative name for vt99.

VT-99 and similar were inventory stock designations. 6F8G was the name of the original 6SN7, the latter overcoming the need for an external anode connection (cap). In a Supratek preamp, I found the early 1940’s Sylvania 6F8G to be excellent, especially if one likes a mildly warm & sweet sound. I have not heard the Tung-Sol version, but have found the 6SN7 Treasure Globe that Rachel at Grant Fidelity in Canada sells to be easily the best sounding of the several of that tube type I have heard (I’m not sure who in presumably China makes it, but don’t think it’s Psvane). In the preamp, I found the Melz 1578 to be a clear, fast, slightly laid back tube on the “cool-neutral” side and, to my tastes, non involving. There’s a thread on head-fi where it’s gotten a lot of favorable discussion.

I look forward to the Horizon insights making it down the line to the TRP.
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And as the doors were closing on the Florida show

Am I right in assuming that the "sub" output is identical to "out"? So no low pass filter and therefore useable for bi-amping as well?

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