I cant answer that technical point...you would have to ask Lampi directly. The current TRP has normal case but GA parts inside. I may be simpler to get a new one...unless you like the copper case too much. lol
Thanks. I expect it may be, which as I read on the price sheet to be 1K euros. It’s funny, I came across Lampi while looking at an extensive list of the best dacs some guy in Hong Kong had come up with, most being R2R, unlike my Directstream. And here it turns out I’m looking at one that has gone digital.
My remaining question is, does adding a second set of RCA outputs mean another pair of output tubes (like it does with balanced)?
Good to know, thanks. Then the thing I’ll be looking at is if the unbalanced output voltage is sufficient to support main speakers (1V sensitivity) and subs (not in specs, but variable output) without a sense of constraint.
Then you should look for a TRP with volume control as a pre, I guess. Less to do with balanced or unbalanced, unless your (active) main speakers have an RCA input. The output of the unbalanced is RCA.
Had a good talk with the Rob at Lampi NA this morning. Among the questions we discussed was balanced vs. unbalanced. He agreed about their being no sound difference with short runs - mine are 1.5-2m - but what about RF interference, which is supposedly one of the big selling points for using balanced outputs? What have been your experiences with the Lampi dacs that way? I ask because my main speakers, ATC SCM19A actives, are balanced (I'm checking with them about taking an unbalanced signal). I live in a semi-rural, growing US resort town of about 40,000, in town but away from the more congested parts, if that makes a difference. Of course, the financial issue here is that the balanced upgrade is around 1000 Euros, something to think about.
With RF interference with short runs should be less an issue. I would more consider the TRP (tube rolling) impact, if you are looking at more expensive or rare output tubes.
I don't plan on extensive tube rolling, but based on this thread and reports elsewhere I was thinking about trying the GEC KT88 and the Sophia Glass 274b Aqua rectifier (opinions on the latter?). Do you think I should worry about the RF impact with those?
With the recti tube there is no difference, you need only one. I cannot comment on the Sophia, I choosed a RK 5U4G. With the GEC NOS versions, KT66 or KT88?, the game is different.
If your complete chain isn‘t balanced, I would not consider a balanced Lampi.
Concerning the TRP my recommendation is still the same. I choosed an XLR connection between my pre and SET mono amps, because they have an XLR input, 3 m cable length. I cannot judge on the ATC preferences.
It was more the XLR input from the SET monos and the fact that I needed a new cable between my pre and monos, 3 m ca. 118 in. We‘re going a little bit out of topic.
I don't plan on extensive tube rolling, but based on this thread and reports elsewhere I was thinking about trying the GEC KT88 and the Sophia Glass 274b Aqua rectifier (opinions on the latter?). Do you think I should worry about the RF impact with those?
Yes, KT66. I'll ask more about specifics later, when something concrete has been sealed.
So to complete my raising of balanced vs. unbalanced, I finally stumbled on the pair of Cardas XLR/RCA adapters I'd been looking for. So with my Directstream feeding ATC's, I went back and forth between the RCA and XLR outputs, playing several flac music files of various types, using the Decibel X Pro app with an iPad to control for volume level as best as possible. The result, even with only a 1.5m run, was immediately noticeable. The RCA was thinner and thus clearer in that way, at times feeling a little sedate, while the XLR had much more body, air and felt more dynamic, swinging. Not a perfect test because of the adapters, but the best I could do. Too bad, because the balanced upgrade is an extra big bill.
D/stream and Lampi are totally different. You cant extrapolate like that. Get the SE.
Yucca here on this forum moved from a DStream Jr to the "Silvergate"...ie a Big7 with premium parts and from the first moment cold out of the box, he said it was no contest....
Congrats for the decision to become TRP owner and welcome to this small community with quite significant knowledge base about Lampi DACs and tubes. Guess you can find many answers regarding tube rolling here. Several top ones (so far) have been identified so your tube games can begin . My suggestion would be to order RK recti from Lampi to arrive with your TRP and recti wise you would be settled for looong time. Second one would be USAF 596 (or maybe first choice)...for output ones just play and enjoy the process - get in touch with Al and I’m sure he can help you with those.
Do you have a link to purchase this tube? Should I ask Fred?
Based upon the comments made here in this thread,I'm going to grab some GEC KT66 and Genalex KT77. What is the consensus for a great rectifier for these tubes,besides the RK rect?
Which tube do you have in mind for the link?
With Fred lock the RK recti. Other confirmed top contender is USAF 596 for which you will need an adapter but both you can grab from Woo audio (or chase them on ebay but they don't show up regularly)...
Output ones - you'll be more than settled with the ones you mentioned...and anyhow later you can explore further