Anyone have clear glass/brown base GEC KT66 that feel like they’re getting the same (or close) wonderful sound as described for the smoked glass/black base?? I’m assuming the “ethereal magic” described from Golum’s friend is the smoked glass/black base, if they are the most desirable... But maybe the others are close enough.
Does the Atlantic TRP now have three tubes out the cover? The photo on their Poland site still shows two - And how many tubes and what kinds would a balanced version have? Thanks,
Does the Atlantic TRP now have three tubes out the cover? The photo on their Poland site still shows two - And how many tubes and what kinds would a balanced version have? Thanks,
SE version three tubes (one rectifier and two output tubes), Bal version 5 tubes (one rectifier and 4 output tubes). All out of the cover...
Seen the pictures on the link you posted - i would say old ones not reflecting current TRP...but you have many pictures here in thread...
Thanks, Golum. Is it two output tubes per output port pair, whether balanced or unbalanced?
Do you (or anyone) have an opinion about the SQ of the Lampi balanced output vs. the unbalanced? Over on the head-fi thread, Al wrote me that with short runs there isn't any difference, that the difference between them other than that attributable to greater loudness from balanced outs due to higher voltage is really the cables themselves (mine are MG Audio Design AG2S2). I have no reason to doubt him, just want to hear if what others have found. I'm currently using a DirectStream dac to drive active ATC floorstanders and JL Audio subs directly using the XLR and RCA outs - no separate xover yet - the runs being 1.5-2m.
Hi Highstream!
You’re welcome and I hope i can help a bit.
First of all i have to say that for Lampi stuff, for me personally, there are few reference guys here and more than certainly Al is one of them and. Amount of time/passion/dedication he invests in his gear and playing with different Lampi DACs and exploring different tube options is beyond belief.
SE or Bal - i can say that i had GG1 which was balanced and i upgraded it to SE version of GG2 and frankly i would never ever go back to Bal version. Too much hustle with quads of tubes in any sense and more importantly i did not hear any but i mean any benefit of having bal version.
So for me total no brainer - SE always...and BTW my system as such is fully balanced and i still went for SE DAC...
I had an Atlantic SE and then balanced. I thought the balanced was slightly quieter than the SE, but nothing you'd notice with music playing. As there aren't really tube rolling options with the Atlantics, I went with a balanced GA. I'll get a SE TRP though, as rolling 4 tubes instead of 2 could get expensive.
Thanks for your thoughts. In the photos of customers' Atlantics and GA's I've seen posted online, I've yet to see one with balanced ports, which made me wonder. But question: if I went for a second set of unbalanced ports, does that entail another pair of tubes?
Switching the subject a bit, I'd like to pick your experience about how to understand the status of a used Atlantic SE allegedly modified to "Golden Level," except for TRP, that I've come across at a decent price. The seller claims the work was done by a close friend of Lukasz from Poland - supposedly the designer of their amp - who's now working in the States for or in consultation with the company, and handling their technical/repair matters here (I don't think I should post his name, but PM me if you wish). Here's what the seller says was done, in addition to adding a volume control/remote:
- "Superclock" added
- R2R DAC Board has been fitted with low ESR Filter Capacitors (over the whole Board-each Chip plus Internal Clock)
From what I can tell from the way it's being presented (and via emails), this was an un- or semi-official upgrade. As much as I like a beneficial mod, I've learned to be wary about jumping into certain deals when I don't know the lay of the land relative to the company's models and how to bring the component more officially into the fold (thinking to if I ever sell it). From the description, what can you tell me about what was done relative to GA level, and what I should know about the possibility of taking the next step, i.e., turning it into a TRP level dac, including the new engine, whether a A2 TRP or a GA2 TRP? I've got an email into the U.S. distributor, but being the weekend figured I'd see what information I could pick up here too.
So you’re saying, nothing obvious to worry about how the mods were done. Just grab the thing if the price is right and then do the upgrade. Is that done by sending the unit through the country distributor?
Thanks. I expect it may be, which as I read on the price sheet to be 1K euros. It’s funny, I came across Lampi while looking at an extensive list of the best dacs some guy in Hong Kong had come up with, most being R2R, unlike my Directstream. And here it turns out I’m looking at one that has gone digital.
My remaining question is, does adding a second set of RCA outputs mean another pair of output tubes (like it does with balanced)?