LampizatOr Golden Atlantic + TRP

Ok have the ps vane back in
It’s better I can’t say it’s not
The ps vanes
Have a better control always it keeps pace of the Music no matter how complex it gets or dynamic
It’s level of details is above the rest by a large Margin
Noise floor is just not there the music is naked in that it’s all that’s there.
Speed is blazing too. body at first seems more heavy then the Siemans. But it’s more complex then that. It’s body is there when it’s in the music.
One thing that makes the trp like analog is this.
applause are very hard to get correct. You need power and speed a tough combo to have
While one of the other sounds great it’s not until you have both to realize what’s been missing.
Analog gets this correct always it’s just as it should be.
This trp and these tubes is just blazing when its there and
Relaxes when it’s not needed
I’m playing Antonio farcioni
Quartet live
It’s a fav ref album.
This dac and tubes makes my place move air serous air.
20 feet back and the floor moves. The wave of stage stomping and edge of a strings is just Amazlng.
I’ll roll others but I can’t conceive there is beyond this.

What a dac and a very very big thanks to the tube rollers on here you found the cradle of life in these tubes.
Guys get this recti it’s killer
The large metal based one I linked above.
Ive finally taken the advice from Fabio and orded a pair of PSVane 6CA7 tubes, hope they will be here this week for me to try out with the ACME 274B rectfier, it will be interesting to see how the 6CA7 compares to my Golden Lion KT77 which is my current favourite tube in the TRP
Looking forward to your report as the KT77s are my favs as well.
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Ok have the ps vane back in
It’s better I can’t say it’s not
The ps vanes
Have a better control always it keeps pace of the Music no matter how complex it gets or dynamic
It’s level of details is above the rest by a large Margin
Noise floor is just not there the music is naked in that it’s all that’s there.
Speed is blazing too. body at first seems more heavy then the Siemans. But it’s more complex then that. It’s body is there when it’s in the music.
One thing that makes the trp like analog is this.
applause are very hard to get correct. You need power and speed a tough combo to have
While one of the other sounds great it’s not until you have both to realize what’s been missing.
Analog gets this correct always it’s just as it should be.
This trp and these tubes is just blazing when its there and
Relaxes when it’s not needed
I’m playing Antonio farcioni
Quartet live
It’s a fav ref album.
This dac and tubes makes my place move air serous air.
20 feet back and the floor moves. The wave of stage stomping and edge of a strings is just Amazlng.
I’ll roll others but I can’t conceive there is beyond this.

What a dac and a very very big thanks to the tube rollers on here you found the cradle of life in these tubes.
Guys get this recti it’s killer
The large metal based one I linked above.
Al, so after your post on the GZ480 recti, I tried to locate one. Difficult to find right now, at least here on eBay. Did find two China suppliers but don't know anything about them....Mableaudio and $ in the 175 to 200 range. Any other info would be appreciated. Thx!
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The NOS GEC KT66 is still a top tube.
The PSvane 6CA7-TII are just a bit more transparent but need a lot of hours to stabilize.
I love them both, as well as the cheap current production Genalex KT77 Gold Lions.

I agree with you on the Mullard EL34. They did not move me, rather rolled off in the (almost missing) treble.
I do like the NOS Siemens EL34 quite a bit but they also need some serious hours to fully open up.

I asked Rachel at Grant Fidelity why the 6CA7-TII is on clearance. She says that majority demand now is for the Psvane Philips Holland Metal Base Replical EL32PH, while the Shuguang WE 6CA7 Plus is getting good reviews.
Hello everyone, my Atlantic Plus has just been sent off for the upgrade to TRP so I wondered if anyone could give me a summary of the current favourite rectifier/output tube combinations so I can have some ready for when the DAC arrives back please? With the Atlantic Plus I mainly used a KR 5U4G though I also have a NOS Fivre 5R4 6Y and a Chatham. Having read through this thread over the last few months it seems as though the current favourite output tubes are the Psvane 6CA7 but I must admit I’m confused about which rectifiers people find work best with them, Psavane ACME Supreme?

David Whistance
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Shuguang GZ480 and be done. The other rectis you have are great. This new one plus the psvane 6ca7 means you will be golden in your collection of tubes.
Hello everyone, my Atlantic Plus has just been sent off for the upgrade to TRP so I wondered if anyone could give me a summary of the current favourite rectifier/output tube combinations so I can have some ready for when the DAC arrives back please? With the Atlantic Plus I mainly used a KR 5U4G though I also have a NOS Fivre 5R4 6Y and a Chatham. Having read through this thread over the last few months it seems as though the current favourite output tubes are the Psvane 6CA7 but I must admit I’m confused about which rectifiers people find work best with them, Psavane ACME Supreme?

David Whistance
Hi David
Congrats on the upgrade from A-Plus to TRP.
This is a VERY worthwhile upgrade for a very reasonable price :cool:

As you already have the excellent RK 5u4g, I would recommend the excellent PSvane 6CA7-TII as well as the cheap current production Genalex KT77 Gold Lions.
Both match imho wonderfully with the RK 5u4g :)
Welcome to the TRP club. I would compare the Psvane WE274 1:1 replica, which has a different approach than the KR RK, and which Psvane highly touts. I got mine from HiFi Exquis in Hong Kong (genuine), while Grant Fidelity’s stock of the replica, Acme and T-II versions are highly selective by arrangement with the factory — for a price of course.

As for output, if you can find NOS GEC KT66s for a decent price, they are likely every match or more for the Psvane 6CA7 TII (note the recommender of that tube didn’t compare it with KT66, which was the favorite of a comparison test earlier in this thread, p 4 or 5 I think). In addition, Grant Fidelity is finding the Shuguang CA version, as well as the Philips Holland EL34 replica more in demand these days (there is a review comparing it with the Psvane CA version in an amp linked there).

So a number of options out there, not all of which have been viewed in this thread.
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As for output, if you can find NOS GEC KT66s for a decent price, they are likely every match or more for the Psvane 6CA7 TII (note the recommender of that tube didn’t compare it with KT66, which was the favorite of a comparison test earlier in this thread, p 4 or 5 I think).

So a number of options out there, not all of which have been viewed in this thread.

Who is the onimous recommender?

I DO own the NOS GEC KT66 and I find they match better with ACME 274b recti than with the RK 5u4g.
On the other hand, I also do own the Psvane 6CA7 TII and in combination with the RK 5u4g (and even more so with the Taka 274b), I prefer those combos by quite a margin over the NOS GEC KT66 and ACME 274b combo :p

Can you elaborate on the number of options, please?
Much appreciated :D
Who is the onimous recommender?

I DO own the NOS GEC KT66 and I find they match better with ACME 274b recti than with the RK 5u4g.
On the other hand, I also do own the Psvane 6CA7 TII and in combination with the RK 5u4g (and even more so with the Taka 274b), I prefer those combos by quite a margin over the NOS GEC KT66 and ACME 274b combo :p

Can you elaborate on the number of options, please?
Much appreciated :D

christoph, since you are not Fabio (#794), I have no idea why you are bent out of shape (and there would be no apparent reason for him to be either). In any case, the attacking tone and language are not really the style around here. This is not one of those forums.

Follow my comments to see other options or combinations, some of which have not been auditioned or even mentioned (except by me) on this thread. Since TRP owner dwhistance asked, I answered. Wish I'd known about some of those when I started. Would have saved a bunch of money.
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Hello everyone, my Atlantic Plus has just been sent off for the upgrade to TRP so I wondered if anyone could give me a summary of the current favourite rectifier/output tube combinations so I can have some ready for when the DAC arrives back please? With the Atlantic Plus I mainly used a KR 5U4G though I also have a NOS Fivre 5R4 6Y and a Chatham. Having read through this thread over the last few months it seems as though the current favourite output tubes are the Psvane 6CA7 but I must admit I’m confused about which rectifiers people find work best with them, Psavane ACME Supreme?

David Whistance

Hi David,
excellent decision, I went directly to TRP after having the chance to listen to an A1 in some versions.

For the tubes I started with a standard 5C3S/EL34 combo, upgraded first with a Gold Lion KT77. The recti was exchanged with a RK 5UG4, and luckily I found a pair of NOS GEC KT66, following the recommendations in this forum. From my personal listening experience, the Psvane ACME 274B even more underlines the musicality, aery and deep stage image of the GEC. I gave as well the Psvane 6CA7 TII a try: the sound stage seems to widen in 2D, while I appreciate the GEC 3D Image, as well the flow of the music. The 6CA7, so far with only few days of burn-in time, comes along with more punch, a little more edgy. My personal ranking so far: GEC KT66, Psvane 6CA7 before Gold Lion KT77.

Cheers Andreas
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christoph, since you are not Fabio (#794), I have no idea why you are bent out of shape (and there would be no apparent reason for him to be either). In any case, the attacking tone and language are not really the style around here. This is not one of those forums.

Follow my comments to see other options or combinations, some of which have not been auditioned or even mentioned (except by me) on this thread. Since TRP owner dwhistance asked, I answered. Wish I'd known about some of those when I started. Would have saved a bunch of money.

I don't see an attacking tone but let's leave it at that :rolleyes:

Btw. Fabio was the one to rave about the GEC KT66 earlier and later "discovered" the Psvane 6CA7 TII as his new QueenBee for the TRP.

Don't you think a new tube will always be compared to the current personal reference tube? :p

We (Fabio and I) do quite some of the listening together and counter check our findings ;)
And yes, we do own the tubes we write about :cool:
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Despite the fact i do not own TRP as Cris&Fabio i can have it at home more or less when i need it or want to hear it (which i do from time to time with Norman) but as a matter of fact i did myself several tube reccomendations based on what i heard at my place alone or more often with Norman. On top as i stated few times, i love to post for community opinion of Fabio, as first of all he is not a member here and secondly he owns probably one of the biggest stashes of tubes for TRP and loves to explore all available options. Also to be noted Is that his TRP was one of the first ones produced so he knows what it can do upside down. Evolution of best options indeed goes from NOS GEC KT66, Genelex KT77, specific EL34 and now PSvane which Chris and Fabio are mentioning and they do have all those tubes on hand. I have a strong guts feeling we might have found one more mighty tube for TRP which Fabio ordered on my hintch, but lets see when it arrives how it will perform (struggling to find an adapter now). Will report back with findings.
Until then happy listening and rolling....
Cheers guys
Many thanks for all the advice, I’ll make sure I have a pair of PSvane 6CA7-TII and a pair of Genalex KT77 Gold Lions ready for when the DAC arrives back from Poland. If I can source a pair of GEC KT66’s at a reasonable price then I will. Once I’ve tried those I’ll be In a good place to try different rectifiers. Once again many thanks.

David Whistance
I don't see an attacking tone but let's leave it at that :rolleyes:

Btw. Fabio was the one to rave about the GEC KT66 earlier and later "discovered" the Psvane 6CA7 TII as his new QueenBee for the TRP.

Don't you think a new tube will always be compared to the current personal reference tube? :p

We (Fabio and I) do quite some of the listening together and counter check our findings ;)
And yes, we do own the tubes we write about :cool:

I was working off Golum's thread. As you can see from a subsequent reply and over at the Grant Fidelity site, there are different opinions, as well as options. I try to keep my ego out of this business.
In conjunction with a new Supratek Chardonnay preamp, I've mentioned comparing the KR 5U4G RK Anniv. Edit. with the Psvane WE274B 1:1 replica in the TRP (with GEC KT66's). Those rectis offer very different experiences, and really bring out why I listen, and what I listen to. I find the RK brings transparency, detail, articulation, delicacy and plenty of PRAT. Tonally, I wouldn't call it cold at all, but to my sensitivity "dry." And with the latter, it's then those aspects of its analytical qualities that I find myself listening to, being aware of. The Psvane doesn't bring the same scale of any of those, except perhaps delicacy and PRAT, but with its warmth I find myself, without effort, listening to the music, sometimes glued to my seat enchanted for hours. Certainly the warmly tuned Chardonnay has a role to play in that, but just changing rectifiers makes a night and day difference in how it sounds (swapping them into the Chardonnay's separate power supply does too). With the RK, I find myself consciously struggling internally to stay with or find the music emotionally; with the Psvane, it just happens.

Of course, this in one sense speaks to individual taste and system synergy. In another sense, it speaks to the limits of talking about which tube is best.

So now I have a KR 5U4G RK Anniversary Edition with about 400 hours on it available for someone who might prefer its approach. PM me if you want to talk.
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If the TRP is your preamp, then listen at the volume level you like for mood.
If you use a preamp, you can find out what it’s unity gain is (high up there on the dial most likely), then start out at “0” on the TRP and raise vol on TRP until you reach your top/loudest listening level. From there, you can turn your preamp down to a more normal or chill listening level...and then that range will be your range to play in.
OR turn TRP to 100% and preamp at “0” and go up on preamp from there. (this one is prefers for most DAC w/ VC)
I have also turned Lampi down only one or two clicks from 100% and used preamp vol from there. Just got a slight more controlled dynamic prophile for my speakers.

And from your last post above; if TRP direct to amp is not enough, then you don’t have a good impedance match and you need a preamp.

To pick up this topic from months ago, when I was looking at a preamp and how to use the volume settings between the two, both jriggy here and Lampi NA Rob suggested turning up the TRP's volume all the way and then working the preamp from there. The reason I didn't do this was because from the get-go, whether I was using the original faux-XLR port w/o a preamp or the RCA output, the TRP at full volume (0 dB) was putting out a very audible hash from through my ATC (active) speakers (nothing playing). With the PrimaLuna preamp I had for awhile, I set the dac's volume at -27 dB and worked the PL's volume knob, typically in the 10 to 2 o'clock range. With the Supratek, however, on soft recordings I've had to go higher, sometimes 4 o'clock, so it seemed like a different approach was called for.

Yesterday while playing with different TRP volumes, I could hear the hash I mentioned at 0 dB w/o music, and then with music it seemed to be integrated into the sound, not for the better. So I decided to see how loud the hash is by varying the setting of the TRP's volume from 0 dB to minimum. On the preamp, I set the gain knob to 50% and the volume knob at 12 o'clock (which with the dac at 0 dB would be loud if music were playing). The Oppo volume is fixed at 100. Using Decibal X Pro app (iPad Mini in my lap) from my normal listening position and with nothing playing, the dB difference between TRP volume = 0 dB and at -15 dB was in the 1-2 dB range. From -15 dB on down, it then remained close to the same level.

My question is, is this normal to have a very audible hash with the dac volume set at 0 db? This is an experiment that can be done by others, I would think. Thanks,

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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