Thanks for all the comments about this DAC guys.
As mentioned, I have sensitive ears, testing better than some children; I test all the way down to 5 and 10 dB, where most adults my age test at 20 to 25 dB. So this means I prefer things a little relaxed, as I can hear vol and dynamic differences in the decimal point range.
I have Harbeth 40.2 speakers now and prefer gear that is not, to my ears, bombastic or ‘overly dynamic’ for me.
So I have to admit that the “nuclear explosion” and “extremely alive” comments made here put me in the category of -I might have to hear it before I commit. Even though I know I like Lampi for years now.
I do have pretty good gear: Vinnie Rossi L2 DHT preamp, the Atlantic Plus, and Wells Innamorata Signature amplifier, so I’m probably fine, as maybe I’ve taken care of the stated worry by having Harbeths now, and slightly warm ICs in the right position...but I do know some gear with big and lively PA-system-like dynamic swings is not for me.
Maybe someone can comment on that... Do macro dynamics largely change like described, when moving up past the Atlantic DAC? Am I misinterpreting the “aliveness” character of this DAC?