Ok, so I actually quickly traced the sound back to the Lampi DAC. While the high pitch whine was occurring I shut down the Lampi and the sound stopped instantly. I was right next to the speaker. So now I'm wondering if the Lampi is picking up EMI or RFI from a nearby component on the rack or through the cabling which is single ended (I own the SE version of the Atlantic TRP). I wonder if it would help to try to relocate the Lampi? Thoughts are welcome.if you wonder how I know lol. Been there did that. and I’m not ashamed to admit it lol.
Update 5 minutes later: I have tried replacing the pretty cheap Nordost Blue Heaven power cord that I was using with the Lampi with an extra AQ Thunder I had on-hand (with the ground noise dissipation and dielectric bias system) to see if that helps with possible RFI. So far the high pitched whine is gone but I need to give it an hour or so to be certain. Would that be crazy if a PC that's more resistance to RFI fixed this??
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