I picked up a set of Siemens F2a tubes and have to agree that they are superior tubes in the TRP. By a non-trivial amount vs any other output tubes I've had, they offer the greatest soundstage size, particularly depth, without pushing the whole stage back as some tubes and gear do to my dismay. They are also incredibly detailed, offering hair-on-back-of-the-neck-raising ambiance and spatial cues that up the realism to a highly enjoyable degree. They are more detailed and offer faster and fuller bass over the Sophia tubes, although without the pleasing midrange warmth of the Sophia's. I need to swap a few more rectifiers here to get a more complete grasp on their performance, although am delighted with their performance with the CV181 that I installed during burn-in. More to come with additional listening.
I also just got in-house a pair of Tesla EL50's and Mullard EL50's to compare to my Tesla EL51's, Sophia EL34's, F2a's, and a few other outputs tubes in my current collection. An initial listen over the past week tells me that the Tesla EL50's are also very special, being (anthropomorphically) a better-behaved EL51 with a tremendous, rich, dense midrange, powerful and more controlled bass, and sparkling highs, just lacking a touch of the soundstage depth of the F2a and maybe extra mid-bass in comparison, and not quite as startlingly dynamic as the EL51s nor detailed as the F2a's, although a close second place relative to any other tubes I have here, and extremely well balanced overall. The Mullards still need burn-in, so nothing here yet.
This is such a great DAC in that it keeps us from having to continually swap $xx,xxx gear to seasonally tweak the system sound (and treat the audionervosa disease