Thanks for the feedback on the EML and USAF 596 rectifiers. I have the white base KR 5u4g. Right now I'm running the Sophia 274B with Sophia EL34's and feel it's pretty decent. Honestly I just like experimenting with different flavors. I enjoy rectifiers that provide some heft and extension on the low end without sounding bloated. So far I think I may like the Psvane 6CA7 T-II's paired with the KR 5u4g best all around but I get in moods where I enjoy the lucid beauty of the GEC KT66's as well.I had the EML 274b mesh and it is not one of my favorite recties.
The EML 274b mesh is not bad at all but it needed several hundred hours of burn-in time and even then, that tizzyness in the upper mids and treble that annoyed me did not vanish completely. It became less with more hours but still remained to some small degree and I could not overhear that. So I passed it on.
The USAF 596 (or like I call it FF, Fugly Franky, short for Fcuking Ugly Frankenstein) I tried several times because quite a few people raved about it and so, despite of the IMHO hideous look, I gave it more than one chance but FF and I just never clicked
Which KR 5u4g do you have?
The "normal" black base ST shape KR 5u4g or the white base ST shape Lampi Anniversary 5u4g or the latest and IMO by far the best, the somewhat "square shaped" Riccardo Kron Limited Series 5u4g?
What is the sonic change you are looking for (compared to which rectifier) and what are the output tubes you want to pair the recti with?
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