Lampizator Horizon360 - Broadening Our Musical Horizons

Im very excited to get mine. Should be coming semi soon!!
I received my Horizon 360 yesterday and offer these early observations. To begin, aside from the graphics and the new line-up of rear panel connectors, the unit really appears indistinguishable from the previous iterations (the original and what has been called “v1” which contains the new XDMI input on the rear panel. (This was available by two pathways; either by updating one’s original or ordering a new Horizon with the XDMI input). In order to assess the new 360, I thought it was reasonable to simply install my current tube set on the new 360 since it would allow an assessment in which the only variable was the new unit itself, and not tubes. (For the record, I run a Cossar 53KU regulator, Mullard ECC2 triodes, and P17c pentodes in mullingmrs copper wire/gold pin adapters. I am connecting the 360 to my Taiko Extreme via USB and an FTA Sinope cable.) Of course, all the caveats about break-in apply (cable terminations and tube socket annealing, capacitor charging, CMS footers re-settling and stabilizing etc.). However, the good news is that the 360, even with very little break-in time, appears to be a superior unit to its predecessor in the most fundamental way. Simply put it is a higher resolution and lower distortion device than the original that it replaces. The obvious full range sonic benefits, particularly musicality, accrue from these advances. Even though bass is often the last thing that “comes in” with cable and gear changes and I am not there yet, what I have heard thus far is impressive and suggests that even better performance awaits as break-in continues. Alternately I might say, if the bass is good now, I can hardly wait to hear this thing after it’s broken in! In short, I doubt that anyone would not be impressed with a 360 no matter how configured, based on what I have heard thus far. Lukasz did his homework and new owners will be justly rewarded by his efforts regardless of the server one uses. The pairing of the 360 with the new XDMI native output-enabled Olympus is yet another highly anticipated event and is almost too much to think about, but promises to be a hell of a ride.

Unfortunately, I am obliged to provide an additional comment about the damping (or lack of) for the top plate (in my case, copper). Frankly, I was very disappointed in the lack of damping for the top plate. Although the chassis appear to be built like a brick you-know-what, if anyone believes the top plate damping is adequate and needs no further discussion, my response is noted here:

Honestly, the top plate rattles like a metal garbage can when finger-tapped. If your unit is on an open shelf or in an open cabinet and you don’t think this matters, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. However, the detrimental effects of the poor top plate damping are almost certainly the most problematic if you play your music at volume. At lower levels, it’s probably a relatively minor issue, or no issue at all. Fortunately, this is a trivial issue and is easily addressed. I certainly haven’t exhausted every damping method that is out there, but this one worked quite well for me using 1000 gm calibration weights and sorbothane discs that are both readily available from Amazon

View attachment 135607. View attachment 135608

Sorbothane discs,popular,128&sr=1-6

Calibration weights:

Agree with your type of low freq dynamic output vibrations can be a problem ..
Wednesday is always a day I can spend listening to music as my wife visits her mom. I can say with reasonable certainty that XDMI for my ears is truly something special. Today however I wanted to do a different test, one which we will hopefully do when Lukasz and Fred are at my home for a fun weekend with the Horizon 360. As a result I still have my other Horizon waiting in the winds to do for people what I wanted to do wit compare USB from the Olympus/IO to my previous Horizon and to do the same with USB from the Olympus/IO to my new Horizon 360 . I have kept my heretofor beloved Masterbuilt Ultra USB cable for this very purpose It was a bit of a shlep to get one Horizon off my rack and the other one on so immediate recall was not something possible. The one constant was that I have made no changes in my tube kit. Also Have a list of a dozen or so demo discs that I have used for years to test different aspects of my musical presentation, such as male voice, female voice, guitar, piano, dynamics, timbre etc . I know these tracks in my sleep. I had my next door neighbor present not only to listen but for an extra pair of hands to help with the transfer of DAC's

First test was done with my previous Horizon . I have given a report previously on my thoughts in a separate thread but suffice it to say USB using the Olympus/IO into the previous Horizon was no slouch. It was clearly better than listening to the same DAC via USB from the Extreme. Things sounded cleaner and better using the Olympus and it was immediately noticeable. Plus I was using Roon rather than Taiko XDMS (which I really miss) and for the first time in a very long time, Roon was actually enjoyable.

After about a half hour taken to do the DAC switch from the floor to the shelf with the 360 now in action , turn it on and let it warm up and begin listening to the same tracks via Roon, I have to admit that had I never heard XDMI, this was a sound that I could easily live with. @John T summed it up as perfectly as I could . The sound was big, dynamic, nuanced with better timbre. I found pretty much the same with the addition that the sound stage as big as it seemed was not exaggerated in any way. In fact there was better clarity and tightness . Timbre was spot on and dynamics were magnificent. This also was a sound that I could easily live with. Simply put the Horizon 360 has done something to make a good thing better. I have no idea whether it is related to the new chip, the design and construction of the 360 but for those who will use USB with or without the Olympus, they are in for a real treat using the 360 connectrted to their server via USB. I could easily end the story there as if you never hear XDMI your system would shine.

At the the end of our session we changed cables from a $15K Masterbuilt Ultra USB which excelled to a $4K KBL XDMI cable. It's difficult to put into words what I hear with XDMI for thsake of being accused of hyperbole. AsI have said before, "you cant unring a bell" Once heard it becomes impossible for me at least to go back to that truly great sound we heard with the 360 and USB

XDMI is in a league of its own. It doesn't sound digital and it doesnt sound vinyl but somewhere very close. The sound is truly special. So for those who want to experience this I suggest coming to the open house on Nov 2-3 with Lukasz and Fred and UIm still hoping for Emile. Kindly message me hear at WBF so I can give directions to my house and get you on the gate list. Im actually surprised that so far there are more out of owners than locals who have plans to attend. Looking forward to meet everyone at the event.
@steve williams - those are with Your speakers Steve.
With horns and 100dB sensitivity which were voiced with 300b tubes those kinds of amps are optimal vs SS.
I'm not sure i want an amp to be 'voiced', regardless of speakers. To me an amp should amplify and nothing else. If i want flavour i can do that with a preamp or dac. i would like to understand more why you feel that the best amp for the Tobians is a tube amp? Although i am now looking at the nagra 300 as a possibility which seems to be pretty special.
I'm not sure i want an amp to be 'voiced', regardless of speakers. To me an amp should amplify and nothing else. If i want flavour i can do that with a preamp or dac. i would like to understand more why you feel that the best amp for the Tobians is a tube amp? Although i am now looking at the nagra 300 as a possibility which seems to be pretty special.
I won't "spam" a topic related to the H360 with amp/speaker topic so i will send you PM
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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