Lampizator Horizon360 - Broadening Our Musical Horizons

I run balanced too. Theoretically it should be less noisy than single-ended, but if you have to play your preamp or Horizon at a lower volume with balanced it may make SE the better choice.
I run balanced too. Theoretically it should be less noisy than single-ended, but if you have to play your preamp or Horizon at a lower volume with balanced it may make SE the better choice.
I truly believe that this is the reason why I am able to run full signal through the 360 as my Lamm preamp is SE and I run the 360 SE
I truly believe that this is the reason why I am able to run full signal through the 360 as my Lamm preamp is SE and I run the 360 SE
as a quick OT issue, Im grateful that I only run my H360 via SE as this tube rolling with vintage tubes 80-90 years old with TP adapters can put you in the poor house running balance and having a back up set when the inevitable happens

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