Looking for a Transport (SACD) + DAC up to $30K

Thanks for the tips, but those will void my warranty, and for update-able equipment like a DAC (e.g. firmware updates) , I do not want to “loose” my warranty.

Not if you arranged with them for a service agent to do the work. Is pretty straightforward stuff really.
Pls audition the Playback Dream, T+A, Ayon and Japanese brands such as Accuphase, TAD and the coming Luxman new models.
Thanks! I like the Ayon products, however, I've had bad experiences with their transports (mechanical failures/issues and noisy).
Personally, I would look into the Esoteric top of the range integrated SACD player or - you you prefer the sound to be on the warmer sound of neutral, which is probably the case with your Metronome - Accuphase stuff.

Both are very good sounding and their build quality is second to none.

As an alternative to Accuphase stuff, the Luxman SACD player is also interesting.
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From what I heard about the new Luxman players, you will want to wait to at least audition them :) They might just be exactly what you want, at a (much) lower price point.
sorry the off-topic but I'm about to buy an Esoteric K03xs but if Luxman is going update their Cd/SACD players, maybe I wait. What do you know about it?

Kind regards.
sorry the off-topic but I'm about to buy an Esoteric K03xs but if Luxman is going update their Cd/SACD players, maybe I wait. What do you know about it?

Kind regards.
I have a K-03X. I home demo'd the Luxman D-08u and liked it very much (IMO a significantly better piece than the K-03X). The D-08u has been out for a while and was recently withdrawn. The Luxman has a more organic sound than my Esoteric, a quieter transport and an excellent, full-function remote (an annoying Esoteric weakness). I suspect Accuphase would also be a good choice, but their U.S. distributor has chosen to mark up their U.S. prices beyond what their products deserve (IMO, of course). I'm waiting to see what Luxman comes out with to replace the D-08u.
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sorry the off-topic but I'm about to buy an Esoteric K03xs but if Luxman is going update their Cd/SACD players, maybe I wait. What do you know about it?

Kind regards.

They will be updated indeed, the whole line, starting (real) soon, with rollouts in Q4/2019 and Q1/2020. All I can say now is that, yes, you will want to wait for them :)
So fellas, an update.
After further thoughts that it may be difficult to find an SACD transport and a matching/integrated DAC at my budget that may better my Metronome integrated player. As well as that my requirement really limits my options.
I thought of buying a dedicated DAC with an ethernet Roon-ready input to use for all my digital streaming (files + Qobuz) and maybe use its digital in for my Metronome CD-player digital out (if it betters it). Leaving my Metronome for SACD (and maybe CD) playback only.
This will leave me at a budget of ~$15-20K or a bit more if the street price is better than the MSRP ;).

Initial thoughts were:
Brinkmann Nyquist mk2
DCS Bartok+clock/Rossini
MSB Premier DAC (“standard“ power supply)

Would love to hear your thoughts on my decision and happy to hear your opinion/suggestions!
Lampi GG
I thought of buying a dedicated DAC with an ethernet Roon-ready input
Did you overlook this little feature request?

I would suggest the Lampizator Pacific DAC but new I fear it is over budget...
Maybe as a young used one? Or ex demo?
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I heard the DCS Bartok with the Rossini transport at a dealer demo soon after it came out and that pairing sounded good with both discs and files.
I am pretty sure it was paired with a Rossini clock. The DCS clocks do make a noticeable improvement to the DCS components so buying the two would make a lot of sense.
I'm pretty sure that the simpler casework of the Bartok makes a significant contribution to its lower price and it sill looks good.
Thanks! I’m sure it sounds great (auditioned its little brother, the Atlantic (?), not long ago). However, I’m less into tube rolling those large tubes, and, to me, these products look like DIY boxes. Not my cup of tea.
Also, they require a lot of space on the rack, which I don’t have...
Already have too many boxes.
Did you overlook this little feature request?

I would suggest the Lampizator Pacific DAC but new I fear it is over budget...
Maybe as a young used one? Or ex demo?
Does the Pacific have an ethernet Roon ready input? If so, why is it not an option on the GG (or any other DAC in the line)?
I heard the DCS Bartok with the Rossini transport at a dealer demo soon after it came out and that pairing sounded good with both discs and files.
I am pretty sure it was paired with a Rossini clock. The DCS clocks do make a noticeable improvement to the DCS components so buying the two would make a lot of sense.
I'm pretty sure that the simpler casework of the Bartok makes a significant contribution to its lower price and it sill looks good.
Thanks Barry. The Bartok and the Rossini clock reach more or less the price of the Rossini DAC. Not sure which is better, but the latter opens the upgrade path to a Rossini clock (which is a good and a bad thing :)).
The Rossini transport is, unfortunately, out of budget if I go for one of these DAC options. And, right now, I would like to focus on the DAC/streamer. As I believe this is the weakest link in my digital front end.
Thanks iaxel
It's always frustrating when what you really want clashes with your available budget and there will not be many of us that have not had that experience. IME it is better longer term to stick to your original aim together with some patience. There is probably not a lot to choose between Bartok/Rossini clock and Rossini DAC so it is really an issue of priorities.
Another potential option within your budget would be the Bartok DAC/Rossini clock and a used Scarlatti transport. The last remains a great transport and has the fabled Teac/Esoteric disc mechanism. It would also allow you to clock both the DAC and the Transport through the Rossini clock which will make a real difference.
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If you are looking outside the Japanese models I would take a look at the latest from EMM.

If you want to just add the dac for Hi Rez streaming I would look at the Brinkman and the Ayre QX-5.

I forgot the Chord Hugo TT dac. If the others don't sound good to you the Chord takes a different approach and has the goods. You can add the Mscaler later.
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Thanks iaxel
It's always frustrating when what you really want clashes with your available budget and there will not be many of us that have not had that experience. IME it is better longer term to stick to your original aim together with some patience. There is probably not a lot to choose between Bartok/Rossini clock and Rossini DAC so it is really an issue of priorities.
Another potential option within your budget would be the Bartok DAC/Rossini clock and a used Scarlatti transport. The last remains a great transport and has the fabled Teac/Esoteric disc mechanism. It would also allow you to clock both the DAC and the Transport through the Rossini clock which will make a real difference.
Yes, a s/h DCS transport could be a future option. And you tip regarding the clock could make the initial decision making easier :).
Thanks Dan!
If you are looking outside the Japanese models I would take a look at the latest from EMM.
Does EMM have a DAC with a Roon-ready ethernet input?

I forgot the Chord Hugo TT dac. If the others don't sound good to you the Chord takes a different approach and has the goods. You can add the Mscaler later.
I'm pretty sure the Hugo TT and the Dave do not have a Roon-ready ethernet input.
these products look like DIY boxes.
Have you seen a Pacific DAC in the flesh?
I seriously doubt it.
The Pacific is not just another step above the Golden Series:
Sonically AND aestetically the Pacific is waaaaayyyy above
Does the Pacific have an ethernet Roon ready input? If so, why is it not an option on the GG (or any other DAC in the line)?
According to Lampizator, not enough space in the enclosure

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